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My Baby

"We must remember that tomorrow comes after the dark and you'll always be in my heart with unconditional LOVE"


To my Baby~

We've been through thick and thin, lived through laughs and tears. From it i believe we've both emerged a better person. Where the road may take us now, we shall have to wait and see. It goes without saying that I'm always there for you whether you're going through tough times or just feeling lonely. There's always a special place in my heart for you. It doesnt matter what mistakes you make and what faults you may gain, you will always be my baby and i will love you all the same and even more. As long as we have our trust and honesty there's nothing our friendship and love cant fix. I miss you when you're not here, but the memories we have of each other keeps me sane until i can see you again. If you ever lose touch with i may have to hurt you =P. Take care baby.

Love Always, JON

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