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Memo to Bill: Stay Away

Lt. James McCaffrey, FDNY

New York Daily News, November 17, 2001

Memo to Bill: Stay Away

Yonkers: As someone involved in and affected by the events of Sept. 11, I have a request for former President Bill Clinton: Please do not attend any event that involves the members of the New York City Fire Department. Do not attend any memorial service, concert or other gathering. And, most importantly, do not set foot on that hallowed site known as Ground Zero.

In my opinion (and it is one shared by most of my FDNY brethren), Mr. Clinton is the single individual in this country most responsible for the events of that infamous day. His emasculation of the military and our intelligence agencies contributed significantly to the evil perpetrated on so many innocent Americans.

Please also forward this request to his spouse and their treacherous coterie of blame-America-firsters, multiculturalists and anti-military elitists. Also, tell him that he has finally discovered his legacy: It sits as a smoldering ruin at Liberty and West Sts.

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