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7th Maryland Volunteer Infantry


The 140th Battle of Antietam

Sharpsburg, Md. - Sep. 13th, 14th & 15th

THE FIRST ACTION of the event was the attack on Fox's Gap during the Battle of South Mountain which took place three days prior to Antietam. Pvt. Steve Lynch took one in the gut and was writhing in pain. The 7th led the charge and took the position.

THE FOLLOWING MORNING at O dark thirty, the men of the 7th found themselves face to face in the cornfield with rebs everywhere. The unit pushed through all the way to the end of the field, then for good measure, turned around and headed back to the beginning.

PVT. TOD BECKLEY was saying his prayers as fast as he could as the men in blue were falling everywhere in front of the "Sunken Road."

THE FINAL BATTLE on Sunday afternoon was the charge of the Zouaves to the edge of victory, followed by the agony of defeat as the rebs surrounded the Marylanders in front, rear and right flank.

"IS MY DADDY COMING HOME?" wondered little Emma Bush after the battle of the Sunken Road.

A FACE OUT of the past showed up at the 7th's doorstep on Friday evening. Pvt. Dave King of the 51st N.C. shared springwater and tall tales with the boys.

THE 7th MARYLAND at Antietam (those that remained for Sunday's affair and weren't chased off by the light rain).


Present For Duty


Capt. Jay Henson

1st Lt. Charles Hutchinson

1st Sgt. Guy Beaven


Ron Toth
Tom Piston
Jeff Bush
Steve Bush
Jack Carrigan


Evert Carter
Rick Cole
Steve Lynch
Matt Parkinson
Evan Paugh
Steve Tabisz
Bob Tabisz
Cory Garver
Brandon Wolf
Pat Ellis
Todd Beckley
Charles Gossard
Greg Mc Gaha
Charly Umhau
Peter Johnson
Andrew Johnson
Chad Moser
Justin Mayhew
Gene Breedon
C.J. Hutchinson

Rev. Parkinson



Miss Cheryl Bush
Miss Emma Bush
Miss cindy Cole
Miss Beckley
Miss Stacy Paugh
Miss Letitia Parkinson
Miss Katy Parkinson
Miss Cari Parkinson


Although not nearly the size of the event 5 years ago, this 140th edition of the Battle of Antietam was no less of an impact affair. The distance from camp to the sutlers was somewhere in the range of 1/2 a mile! There were even sutlers there from Texas, no less! Maybe even Mexico....nawwwww.

There was a little bit to be desired about the scripted battles, however. Or rather lack of them. That was especially the case with the Union assault on the Sunken Road held originally by John B. Gordon and his Alabamians. I don't ever remember reading where the rebs got out of there entrenchments and not only flanked the more powerful yankees, but actually got into their rear and counterattacked.


The first event on Friday afternoon, the taking of Fox's Gap on South Mountain went OK. The rebs did their part and fought hard before giving way to a superior force. One strange anomoly occured after the rebs had been overtaken. Vincent's Brigade left the field...while a battle for another section of the Gap was being hotly contested - shots still firing long after the last private disappeared on his way back to camp.

That was not the only thing - well....fuggetaboutit. Ain't no politics be goin 'roun here.

Sights and Sounds-----
- The whistle, for one, as in train whistle. How about that. Saturday afternoon, 5000 yanks on the way to the Battle of the Sunken comes a 100 car freight train. Take a knee, boys, this is gonna be awhile.
- The pitter patter of rain - NOT! Everybody blowing out of Dodge because of the threat of rain. When did the first patter show up? 8 am, Sunday morning. And although it did put up a nice presence afterwards, the welcome relief from the heat it provided was well worth the sacrifice.
- "ZOU...ZOU...ZOU..." How about that. Chargin' into the rebel lines and each time our left foot touched we all yelled out "ZOU" in unison. Then that march back to camp to the "ZOU" cadence. We were the only unit within miles that could claim all were in step.
- Whining and moaning.....none. Our boys never got twisted up in any political intrigue. As they say in Havana....well....fuggetaboutit.


NEXT ACTION: The Battle of Cedar Creek

Middleton, Va. - October 18th, 19th and 20th

Register early as there are no walk-ons. Good battles and great night 3 am, no less...hmmmm, sounds like the cornfield.


More Antietam Photos

