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Secret weapon:
Onboard the first train car in the Agent level, if you shoot your way all the way through and blast out the brake mechanism on the floor, try shooting the two wooden crates across the way from the brake box. Under the bottom crate is an RPC-90, which makes getting through the rest of the level a piece of flaming cake!

In the Secret Agent level, there is a DD44 n the same location, but there is nothing there in the 00 Agent level.

See below for extra tips on how to meet the last objectives.
In the first train, there are two parts. You start off with a PP7. Use your site to knock off the guy on the far right, and the guy on the far left, using a crate to employ the leaning technique. After that reload, and stand straight out there and fire away. This first train is easy. Collect all of the ammo, and you're now loaded with the D5K Duetsch. Before you leave the train, knock out the brake system to the right of the door. It's yellow and red and made of pipes, and has a gray box on top of it. They all look like this.

There are more crates in the second train, so try to hide behind the gray, metal ones, because they won't blow up in your face. A man in a beret will be on your immediate right once you get to the gray box. Another enemy in a beret will be on your left just behind a crate or two. Strafe, shoot, strafe, shoot. Stay away from the crates that begin to get dark in color because they are about to blow. Kill the brake system at the end of the car.

The third car is a passenger car. As soon as you open the door enemies are waiting for you. Stay near the entrance, picking them off as they come toward you. A few will hang back, so lean to the right and use your site to kill them. On your left is a bathroom. Each car has one like this. As soon as you pass this room a soldier will step out of it. Step in front of it and then quickly back up and shoot him. You don't need to check the passenger areas in this car. Run to the front and blow up the brake box.

The fourth car is lots of fun. Oh, yeah. Soldiers will enter the third car just after you blow the brake box, so just line them up for a bullet fest. Now that a few are gone, step up through the door and position yourself so that you can aim at them with the site and pick them off as they bottleneck. The brake on the fourth car is just to the left of the entry point. Open the bathroom, step inside for a good, safe shot at the brake box, and then step out again. Check all the passenger rooms. The second room contains two soldiers, and so does the fifth. Two guards are lined up at the very end, and they can hit when they hear you half way through the car. There are some timed, locked doors, and guards will emerge from them. Be smart, always check your rear.

In the next four, shorter, green rooms, there are more troops, but with better guns. Some of them are in the bathrooms as well. In the last of the green rooms, two servicemen provide you with a 9 mm ZMG, a super cool rapid fire gun. As soon as you kill the last man in the four room, turn around because one of those earlier locked doors opens, and out comes sneaky Russian dudes. Be ready for them after the doors of the fourth green car open.

You're in the second to last car now, a gray girded car. To your right is the brake control. Don't shoot it just yet. One or two servicemen are in the hallway. Dust them. Now shoot the control box. At least two more highly armed servicemen will appear. The best tip for this car is to simply stay just inside the entree door near the brake control and wait for them to come to you. Once you blow the box, objective A is met.

Now walk into the next room full of crates (there's nothing there in medium and hard, but in easy there's a body vest in the back) and switch to a single gun with a site. Enter the next car slowly. Natalya is captive and has a gun pointed at her head. Two soldiers are behind this pair. Just like in the park in St. Petersburg, walk slowly. Trevelyan will tell when you're too close. This is a cake walk, if truth be told. Turn on your site, aim for his head, and take one shot. If you kill him, automatic doors will shut you and Natalya in. Behind you and to the right is a white hatch. It's bolted to the floor. Toggle to your heaviest weapon first. A timer goes off, leaving you with about one minute to get out. Blast the hell out of the bolts until you can barely see them any more. now switch to your laser watch and melt each gray strip off one by one. You need to beat the clock by at least five seconds, otherwise you're toast (because Natalya has to get out too). Soldiers will be shooting at you from the right. Just run left, strafing left and right to avoid their shots. Natalya will follow you. Occasionally, she'll get shot. Try not to run too far ahead of her to avoid this. You'll have to find the secret base which is just ahead. You've completed all of your objectives.

Addendum: How to get Natalya out of the train without getting her killed can be a terribly depressing experience (especially in 00 Agent). We had a heck of a time completing this level in 00 Agent -- it was especially difficult keeping damn Natalya alive. Hereıs how to get her out safely and to meet the mission objectives -- in all difficulty levels.

Killing Ouromov
When you finally get to Ouromov, Natalya, Xenia, and Trevelyan, whip out your D5K Deutsche and kill Ouromov by putting a single lead piece through his face. Quickly after, crouch down so that any shots from Trevelyan will be avoided.

Breaking Through the Hatch
Next, aim your D5K Deutsche toward the hatch on the ground, and start picking off bits of the annoyingly strong metal latches that keep the hatch on. Why? Because it physically makes it easier for you to burn them off (with your laser watch) once theyıve been beaten to all hell. The only disadvantage to this technique is that itıs more difficult to see the actual pieces. Anyway, weıve been able to open up that hatch with as many as 20 seconds left!

Cracking the Password, Locating the Base
Natalya will automatically start in on the computer in the attempt to achieve these two objectives. Keep an eye out for her computing messages. She needs to locate the secret base, which should happen first, and then Crack Borisı code, which will take the longest. Should you wait until the last second, or leave early? Natalya will follow you as soon as you leave the train, so donıt leave early, got it? Usually, itıs best to wait about five seconds before the train blows, and then escape. Maybe four. Sheıll almost always wait that long until cracking the code. Waiting any longer give or take a second, and Natalya will get blown up trying to escape.

Keeping Natalya (and yourself) Alive, Complete Mission
A bunch of trigger-happy henchmen will start shooting at you as soon as you leave the train. Theyıll appear on your left. Before you leave the train, switch to the RP-P90, or in Secret Agent and 00 Agent, the two ZMGs. The trick here is to give Natalya enough space to get off the train so that when it explodes, she doesnıt get catch the explosion. So, get off the train, turn left toward the enemies, shoot a few shots, and move all the way to the right and back a few steps -- that will give her enough space to walk away (remember, Natalya will follow you wherever you go). Now blast away at the enemies, making sure to hit the wooden, explosive boxes (which of course will scatter their body parts across the area) as well as the guys themselves. The trick is to be fast and shoot enough of them before they hit you or Natalya. If youıre slow, theyıll eventually hit Natalya. As soon as you think the coast is clear, then run in a zigzag fashion toward the front of the train, and -- about 50 feet past it -- if you and Natalya are still alive, youıve beaten the game.