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Thank you for Visiting my Usedbooks4u

Take 20% off everything on this page in May!!!

Prices do not include postage. The postage rates are as follows.
First book $1.50
Each additional book $.50
Items Marked with # have been sold

Used Books Misc.

Landmark Freedom Baptist Curriculum complete 1st grade course $90
Blueprint For Success with Debra Bell (6 audio tape set) $18
# Mem Lok Bible Memory System $22
S ASCI Spelling grade 6 NEW $7
Wordly Wise Book 1 Teacher's Key ONLY $2
Let's Hide the Word by Gaither and Dobson $10
Straight Forward Math Series Algebra book 1 $4
Straight Forward Math Series Algebra book 2 $4
Volcanoes and Earthquakes (a ladybird book) $3
Mary of Plymouth by Otis NEW $15
Parts of Speech Worksheets by Rod&Staff $3
Usborne How Your Body Works $3
Usborne The Young Engineer Book of Supertrains $3
Blueberries for Sal by McCloskey $3.50
One Morning in Maine by McCloskey $3.50
Sun and Shadow -HBJ reader grade k-1 $4.00
Together We Go -HBJ reader grade 1 $4.00
Changes -HBJ reader grade 1 $4.00
Dreams -HBJ reader grade 1-2 $4.00

Nancy Drew Books- Yellow Hardback covers
All are in good condition. Books 3 and 12 have a spot on spine.
All books are $4.00 each. Books 3+12 are $3.00

Book 3
Books 6-8
Book 10
Books 12-14
Books 16-22
Book 24
Books 26-28

Miss Pickerell and the Geiger Counter PB $2.50
Miss Pickerell and the Geiger Counter HB $5.00
Miss Pickerell and the Weather Station HB $5.00
Miss Pickerell and the Earthquake Rescue HB $5.00
Miss Pickerell and the Supertanker HB $5.00

Used Books Sonlight (all books are in great condition unless specified)

Teacher's Manual Year 8 (new) $35
