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Metaphysical Uses Of Stones

TLC For Your Crystals

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Directions To The Crystal Path

The Crystal Path is located Northwest of Baltimore in Reisterstown, Maryland.

Take Baltimore Beltway (Route 695) to exit 19 (Route 795-Northwest Expressway)

Take Northwest Expressway (Route 795) to exit 9A (Route 140 East, Butler Rd, Glyndon), bear right at light onto Route 140 East.

Turn right again at next light. The Crystal Path is 1/2 block east on the left side.

We are across the street from Food Lion and Shell Oil.

If you pass Friendly's you've gone too far...But.... you can bring us lunch on the way back!

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Metaphysical Uses of Stones
This information is the work of Elizabeth K. Dinges and Tom Chaffee.
It was written as part of their workshop materials from the early 1980's.
Name Use
AGATES Awaken & increase receptivity to the inner self. Supplies strength during periods of great activity according to Edgar Cayce. They are a good grounding stone also.
AMAZONITE Soothes the brain & nervous system & helps you filter information & combine it with natural intuition. Hold one in your hand when you make an affirmation to bring it into manifestation.
AMBER Draws disease out of afflicted areas & neutralizes negative energy. Is in harmony with earth energies. Use on solar plexus and throat.
AMETHYST The Violet Ray transmutes disharmonic energies. Use for crown chakra and spiritual healing and meditation. Excellent for making grids - Especially Star of David.
AQUAMARINE Relates to heart and throat centers. Calming, soothing energy which allows what is in heart to be expressed through throat center. It soothes heartaches and provides harmony in its united expression of sea and sky. It has the cleansing powers of water - the universal cleanser.
AVENTURINE Calms & balances the heart chakra. Use it with rose quartz to increase empathy and love. Use with malachite to clear mental or emotional blocks.
AZURITE Edgar Cayce recommended Azurite for developing awareness of psychic abilities and getting in touch with the higher self. It is an excellent stone to use on the third eye during meditation as it allows subconscious thoughts to surface so they can be examined and reviewed and released if appropriate time to do so.
BLOODSTONE Purifies the blood, kidneys, liver and spleen. Can induce detoxification. Very powerful cleanser!
BLUE LACE AGATE Opens, clears & soothes blockages in the throat chakra. Lace pattern and banding promotes expression of joy, beauty and lightness. Allows you to voice what you feel in your heart.
BLUE QUARTZ Good for throat chakra. Clears the throat chakra for higher vibrations.
CALCITE Green Calcite is excellent for allergies! Gold and clear calcite helps to boost your memory. Good for children having problems in school as it helps to adjust a negative situation into a positive, challenging and fulfilling one. Orange is excellent for sacral center and infusing one's environment with the color of the rising and setting sun.
CARNELIAN Use red or brown for root chakra and grounding and orange shades for sacral center. Helps you to be comfortable with your surroundings and to get in touch with the healing properties of earth and clay.
CELESTITE Cools the throat chakra as it heals it. The ice blue color exerts powerful soothing effect and promotes AT-TUNE-MENT so that vocal expressions can be more harmonious and less negative. Stimulates awareness of Cosmic Consciousness.
CHRYSOCOLLA Used for arthritis as it has high copper content. Relieves stressful conditions due to fear or guilt. Helps develop personal confidence.
CITRINE Use on solar plexus chakra. It's healing color vibration is helpful with problems in the stomach, gall, spleen, and liver functions. Aids digestion when placed on the solar plexus.
CLEAR QUARTZ Use on all chakras. Very versatile. Physical healing and meditation, ESP communication, astral travel, tuning into higher consciousness, learning soul purpose (phantom quartz), scanning & clearing auras, grids, aura amplification, protection, affirmations, getting in touch with your guides and teachers and much more.
CUPRITE Known as the Warrior Stone, it strengthens will. Personal responsibility for the creation of one's life is accepted. Then guilt and self-defeating attitudes can be replaced by forgiveness and self-love.
EMERALD Helps you to gain physical, mental & emotional equilibrium. Provides inspiration & helps bring balance, healing & infinite patience. Motivates you to give love & wisdom to others.
FLUORITE Excellent for insomnia - place under pillow. Decreases hyperactivity. Helps to focus divergent energies & aids centering. If you go off in ten directions at once, use fluorite to help you focus on one thing at a time.
GARNETS Stimulate creativity, passion & circulatory system. They rekindle feelings, renew love and help you take control of your sexuality. They sharpen self-perception. It strengthens the aura and is a fire stone.
GEM SILICA (CHRYSOCOLLA) It brings peace to the mind and heart as it is an emotional balancer. Use it to develop the virtues of compassion, patience, kindness, tolerance and humility.
HEMATITE Iron ore good for reducing inflammation & useful for back pain. Focuses energies & improves balance between Body, Mind and Spirit.
JASPER Works methodically & meticulously. Prolonged use of it will unify all aspects of your life so you feel a continuity of Spirit & Body that improves both work and play.
KUNZITE Has high mineral content of lithium. Use pink for heart & clear for crown. It is a soothing stone which helps you to adjust to pressures and stresses of modern life. It symbolizes joy in thought and feelings ready to be expressed. Unites heart and mind through love vibration.
KYANITE Black has a deep rooting effect which is very calming. This is quite the opposite of blue kyanite. The blue is multidimensional and can be used for alignment of the chakras, enhancement of psychic vision, travel & communication. This is one stone that can truly take you for a ride and bring you back smiling.
LABRADORITE Elevates consciousness to the connection with the energies of the universe. It's other name is Spectrolite. This stone radiates like moonstone and carries fire like the opal. It teaches you how to concentrate and focus as when you put your attention into the stone it radiates and glows with beautiful hues.
LAPIS Increases psychic abilities & opens Third Eye. Guides you in direction of Mental and Spiritual purity. Helps you become more in touch with your essence and attaining enlightenment. Wear at throat so that your energies are drawn up from your lower chakras to the upper ones.
LARIMAR Acts as a catalyst in the quest for greater meaning and truth in life. It embodies sky and sea in its blue and white colors and also the fire of rebirth when it contains red fire plumes. Works on the upper chakras by bringing new etheric connections to your soul star, mind and body via molecular reconstruction.
LEPIDOLITE Contains lithium. Good stabilizing stone. Also promotes joy when combined with rubellite. Has the quality of expansion when used in conjunction with rock quartz. A grid of quartz and lepidolite is very effective. When combined with Mica in purple "books" connects you to the wisdom of the violet ray and feminine lunar energies which helps you become aware that all things are in a cycle of constant change.
MALACHITE Malachite is a powerful amplifier. Stimulates the inner and outer eye. Aligns the crown chakra with the pineal & the pituitary gland. Symbolizes the rising of the spiritual person & assists with visions.
MALACHITE-AZURITE COMBINATION Both are copper ores and are excellent conductors. Excellent stone to use to raise the Kundalini Energy working from the root to the crown chakra.
MOLDAVITE This gem is "Out of this world." It has a powerful affect on the aura of the person holding or wearing it. The green ray is in tune with the heart which is helpful when using this stone to link with beings of this and other dimensions. It's vibration is greatly amplified when used in combination with Herkimer Diamonds and/or Sugilite.
MOONSTONE Help cool, soothe & calm over-reactions to emotional & personal situations. Makes you aware that everything is part of a cycle of constant change. They open you to your feminine, sensitive, intuitive & clairvoyant nature. May induce trance states when placed under the tongue.
OBSIDIAN Glassy volcanic rock used as surgical tools. Aztecs said it was sacred to sky god and fashioned it into mirrors for scrying. Used for eyes in idols in Temple of Quetzalcoatl. Helps you to release attachments and out-moded behavior patterns. Can strengthen prophesy and desire to see new horizons. Excellent protection stone.
ONYX It is a good psychometry stone as it holds memory of physical events. It is a strengthening stone and is in tune with earth energies which aid you in being more receptive to the environment and your physical surroundings.
OPAL Opals are not bad luck! They can absorb disharmonic vibrations emitted by the wearer and then they work with the Karmic Law of Return! They are bridges between our ordinary consciousness and the cosmic awareness level we are working to manifest on the physical.
PETRIFIED WOOD Has deep connection to the earth & the environment. Makes you more aware of nature, especially the tree spirits. As it is an artifact from the past it can help you to investigate past-life experiences. Trees have a circulatory system & it is good for skin disorders, muscle tissue & circulatory system.
PICASSO MARBLE The Picasso like scenes on this marble remind one of the time of the North - the time for introspection. Use this stone to go within and find your center and the seeds of truth which lie deep within each of us.
PYRITE The golden rays of pyrite are similar to the golden rays of the Sun. It strengthens the life force energy or Tai Chi. It also repels negativity via increasing life force. It aids mental capacity to balance right & left hemispheres of the brain. Also improves communication skills by easing anxiety & frustration.
RHODOCHROSITE Use for heart chakra. Crystal form rare but not impossible to find. Stronger pink ray than rose quartz for those who are drawn to it. Instills the passion and intensity of unconditional love for all and the desire and ability to facilitate your spirituality emanating from your heart center. Also repairs holes in the aura.
ROSE QUARTZ Represents universal and unconditional love. Exerts a soft gentle energy. Good for children and the heart chakra. Improves low self-esteem by helping you to love yourself as well as others unconditionally.
RUTILATED QUARTZ Rutile is another mineral included in the quartz. It emits quick, short powerful bursts of electricity. The patterns and symbols formed by the rutilation increase the power of the crystal plus sending messages to the intuition by the language of symbols and the force fields created by the power of limits.
SEPTARIAN Septarian nodules were formed 50 million years ago in an ancient sea floor. The gray calcite instills age-less wisdom and the gold calcite crystals allows this wisdom to be integrated on all levels. The brown aragonite veining enables this wisdom to be rooted and grounded on the physical plane.
SMOKY QUARTZ Good to use for releasing blockages and eliminating stress. Great stone to use for rooting with Earth Mother. Excellent facilitator for mental and emotional healing. Requires frequent clearing due to its strong ability to absorb negative energy.
SODALITE Strongly affects changes in your attitude about yourself. Helps you to be more objective & less critical. Untangles you from entrapments of a complicated life-style. Use on Third Eye. Holds mystery of night sky and clouds. Helps to eliminate guilt & fear.
SUGILITE Aids you in obtaining conscious control of your mind so you may learn to tap into the healing power necessary to cleanse and balance your physical body. Helps you see why you created the experience and what lessons you have chosen to learn. Place this stone on the 6th chakra to allow the mind to receive the third eye's wisdom.
TIGER'S EYE Has the rooting energy of the earth embellished by the yellow/gold glowing warmth. Good stone for instilling confidence to accomplish goals. Helps you to recognize your inner resources & use them to attain your dreams. Aids in judging a situation & determining best way it can be re-solved.
TOPAZ Yellow is good for solar plexus, orange for sacral center and clear for crown. Excellent stone to use when you want to bring changes into manifestation and when additional physical energy is needed.
TOURMALINE All tourmaline repels negative energy. Black tourmaline is the most powerful repeller. Use green and pink for heart chakra. If you wear or carry tourmaline and are working on releasing blockages you will have no symptoms. However if you are not actively working on releasing you may develop diarrhea. Then you have to either do some work or put the tourmaline aside until you are ready to release those blockages. Watermelon tourmaline is excellent for heart chakra as it has green on the outside and pink in the center, thus combining both of the colors for the heart in one stone.
TOURMALINATED QUARTZ The type of inclusion, i.e. color of tourmaline is as stated before. However with the addition of quartz it can be used on all chakras. The black tourmaline in clear quartz represents Matter and the quartz represents Spirit. As it is our mission to bring Spirit into Matter this formation has profound lessons to teach us. The quartz amplifies the powers of any color of tourmaline.
TURQUOISE Turquoise relates to sky and earth and unites the blue and green rays. Wear turquoise at thymus and join lower and upper chakras in heart center. Very calming and protective. Helps you to know who you are, where you are and lead you to greater self-realization.
Name Use
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by Elizabeth K. Dinges

Crystals are beautiful. Crystals are fun. Crystals are light. When you get this COSMIC CREATION home you will want to spend some time with it. You may want to share it with friends or just enjoy it yourself. Upon receipt of a new crystal it is advisable to purify it prior to use by submerging it in a solution of sea salt water for 7 days. Use 1 heaping tablespoon of sea salt (purchase at a health food store) to 1 quart of water.

If you carry your crystal, wrap it in a protective covering as quartz can be scratched and chipped. Silk, cotton, leather and velvet are well suited for this purpose.

Your crystal through your handling, using and carrying will become attuned to your vibrations (i.e. level and type of force and energy you generate and distribute). Anyone who touches your crystal can also affect it. The change from someone else could be beneficial or detrimental. If you wish to remove vibrations from your crystal simply use one of the clearing techniques listed below.

A crystal acts as a filter and like a filter in a furnace it needs to be cleaned occasionally. Clear your crystal whenever you feel it needs it. This could be as often as once a week. Whenever you use your crystal for healing on anyone clear it afterwards! Clear and remove the static in your crystal's aura and magnetic field by any of the following methods (NOTE: Some of these techniques should not be used on soft or porous minerals or with silver or gold pendants):

    1. Place it in a sea salt solution overnight.
    2. Run it under COOL water until you sense it is clear. Do not use hot or cold water as crystals can crack.
    3. Place it in the direct rays of the sun - not through plastic or glass. Your crystal will be charged as well as cleared by the solar rays.
    4. Pass it quickly through a candle flame.
    5. Bury it in the earth.
    6. Expose it to the direct rays of the moon.
    7. Breathe on it 3 times while visualizing all negativity flowing out. Breathe 3 more times filling it with light.
    8. Place it in a quartz singing bowl and play the bowl 3 times.
    9. Smudge your stones with the purifying sage herb.
When you clear your crystal, do so with the intent of leaving in all positive energies and removing only negative energies. It is important that you have the intent of transforming the disharmonic vibrations into harmonic ones. The planet needs healing and it is senseless to send negativity back out to the earth. Instead visualize the disharmonic energy being transmuted to white light as it leaves the crystal. You will be assisting the healing of Mother Earth by following this technique.

A crystal can be used in various ways. When you carry, wear or hold a crystal, you are filling it with your vibrations. Your crystal can be used to amplify your shielding and magnify your aura. Holding a crystal during meditation will enhance your ability to visualize. Crystals can assist you in tuning into your psychic abilities and intuition. They can aid you in focusing and getting in touch with your Higher Self. Tap into crystal energy!

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