
Image-Meowth cuddled up under a cherry tree

As some of you may know, a Haiku is poetry with lines with 5 syllabols / 7 / 5 again. There's a funny thing about Haiku. They're like Potato Chips. You can't write just one. We hope you like our Haiku, and that they'll inspire you to write your own.

By JackalAndromeda

Team Rocket Blast off
Sailing over hills and dales
Oh, not this again.

Blue haired, green-eyed boy.
Loves his Weezing, Victreebell
"I want a doughnut!"

TR's head female
Blue eyes and firey hair
Mallet in her hand

Poor, ignored, Meowth
Always dumped for a persian
But you're still Top Cat

Big, purple Cobra
A great Poison Pokémon
The Arbok we love

Always smoke screening
Bobbing next to James's head
Semi-creppy ball

Little Lickitung
An under-used Pokémon
Still, Most powerfull

TR's head honcho
With scary echoplex voice
Weird old Psycho

The leafy Victreebell
With spots of yellow and green
Eating James's head

Jesse's old school rival
Yellow haired Rocket member
Has a Raticate

The Froggo-voiced Butch
Splits my ear drums open
But, still I like him

Haiku by RocketMew

James has weird blue hair
I think he uses hair dye
it really scares me.

Trying to catch that
electric Pikachu but
always failing, sigh.

The owners of this
site must think I am insane
sending these emails

Haiku by RocketBoss3@aol.com

On a Stary night
Blasting off at speed of light
Soaring to the sky

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