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Sir Victors Home Page

So Much, Yet So Little

Hello everyone and welcome to my Home Page. Well I've done yet some more updating. A few pages that had an "X" where an image was supposed to go are gone least most of them anyway. I also fixed up a few pages so that hopefully they will load a Animated Left AngelAnimated Right Angel little faster. But other than the little stuff, the only major change I did will only be noticeable by computer users. In the past my F-Keys page didn't work very well with computer users, for a lot of times it would take them to a page that said "METHOD NOT ALLOWED" whenever they might try to visit some of the pages. And, until now, I couldn't figure out what was causing that problem until today! Now when computer users go to my F-Keys pages, nothing might look any different, and you would be right. Everything looks as it did when you might have last seen it. But the thing you WILL notice is now ALL of the links will take you to the pages without any problem anymore. Or at least I hope not. About 99% of them should work, if not all. As for webtv'ers, you won't notice any changes because they always worked on webtv. Took some time to fix them all up but it was worth it. I'm getting a little done everyday! I'm hoping to get back to working on my Free Linkables Gifs page sometime soon when I get the chance, but first I'm going to make sure that everything else on my site is in working order and looks right. So be sure to come by once in awhile to see what else I get done! Take care all & enjoy!

And as always, you can Click Here to go to my new and improved Realm Of Gifs Page!
And before you leave, please don't forget to sign my guestbook and let me know what you think. I would love to hear your opinions and comments.

Thanks And Enjoy!

If you would like to exchange banners, e-mail me the URL for you banner and the URL of your webpage. Then I will send you my banner and the URL of which to link back to me at. Of if you don't have a banner, then just let me know what you would like the name of the link to be called and I will use it to link back to your site. But I will not link to your site if your webpage includes any: Adult, racial, or satanic material. So if your site has any of the following material on it, do not ask me to link to your site. Thanks for your cooperation!

P.S.: You can now sign up to win my award. Just go down to my table of links and click on my "Apply For My Award" link or just Click Here

Oh, and why you are here, why don't you sign my Guest Book and Slam Book. I would really appreciate it.
Thanks And Enjoy:-)

This Site Was Last Updated:

February 28th, 2004

This Page Created Using Webtv

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