Sir John A. Macdonald was the Dominion of Canada's first prime minister. He was the most important Father of Confederation, who was able to bridge the gap between English and French Canadians to found a federal constitutional monarchy, stretching from sea to sea. We still need his national vision today...
Played the pivotal role of bringing about the Confederation of the British North American colonies (except Newfoundland) into the Dominion of Canada in 1867
First prime minister of the Dominion of Canada, (1867-1873; 1878-1891)
Instigated the building of the Canadian Pacific Railway, to unite the dominion from sea to sea and encourage development of the Canadian West.
Established the National Policy (1879), an economic protectionist programme which encourgaged the growth of Canadian industry
Supressed the Red River Rebellion (1870) and Northwest Rebellion (1885)
Founded the North West Mounted Police (now the Royal Canadian Mounted Police)
Created Canada's first National Park at Banff, Alberta, in 1885
Oversaw the admission of Manitoba, Prince Edward Island, and British Columbia into the Dominion
Attorney general of Canada West (Upper Canada) from 1854 until 1867, except briefly in 1858 and 1862-64
Confederation for Kids!
Canadian Confederation (National Library of Canada)
Sir John A Macdonald
"The Man Who Helped Make Canada the Country It Is Today (Horton Journal of Canadian History)
Sir John Alexander MacDonald, People Who Made the West
City of Kingston's Sir John A Page
Sir John A Sliding Puzzle (FUN)
Sir John A Quiz
Sir John A Macdonald (point form biography)
Death Notice from the Globe and Mail, 1891
Campaign Speech by Sir John A, 1881
Her Majesty's Canadian Government
The British North America Act, 1867 (Constitution Act, 1982)
The Monarchist League of Canada
The Conservative Party of Canada
Bellevue House, Kingston, Ontario
Governor-General of Canada
Sir John A. Macdonald Collegiate, Scarborough