On state’s attorney general with power to sue drug companies for price gouging: I’m generally in agreement with the state’s attorney general being able to sue for gouging. There’s a good argument for the importance of regulations around price gouging. The ‘transaction under duress’ argument makes the most sense to me – that is, that in times when there is literally no choice but to purchase a product, the demand curve isn’t flexible and the usual trends in supply & demand no longer apply.
________________________________________ On the Maryland General Assembly’s failure to expand the marijuana industry further: To be brief, any further expansion in medical marijuana would have been beneficial in our state. I understand that there were hang-ups regarding whether or not companies who were suing the state for being ‘booted down the line’ in applications for licenses should just be permitted said licenses. But nonetheless, any expansion would have been beneficial, in my opinion. Regarding medical marijuana in this state, there is allegedly evidence suggesting that the heroin epidemic may be combated in part through use of medical marijuana. While there is clearly much research to be done, my stance is as follows: if it yields promising results in helping to combat our debilitating opioid epidemic, that’s a primary reason why I support growing the medical marijuana industry in our state. I’m a realist, but we should have seen further progress this year. We did away with alcohol prohibition in the country many years ago when we tried it and it failed – but I'm only currently willing to endorse expansion of the marijuana industry as a medical product, just as I'm unwilling to endorse legalization of other presently-illegal drugs for legal recreational use, because I believe we need to further study the potential implications and drawbacks it may have on the society as a whole.
________________________________________ On banning fracking in Maryland: We probably should have left the fracking debate alone as much as possible – and not moved to ban it altogether in Maryland – and here’s my justification. Fracking is a technology, and as we know, given several years’ time, we are liable to develop technology that is considerably more environmentally-sound than our present methods. Secondly, we don’t know the extent of the environmental risks, and that being said, given several years’ time, we are liable to have a much better understanding of the risks, and the cost associated with methods to combat those risks. Thirdly, we know that natural gas is at a low price which will gradually rise over time, as does most or all forms of energy we use. Altogether, the idea is that if we do nothing now as far as banning it, we could develop much more cost-effective, sound, environmentally-friendly methods to tapping into a limited resource efficiently.
________________________________________ On mandating most Maryland employers to provide five paid sick days’ leave to employees: I’m most always opposed to government mandates regarding competitive incentives within the market – they should be left largely, if not entirely, to the market.
________________________________________ On providing Baltimore’s school system with extra funding to close a $130 million gap: The fact that there is an alleged $130 million gap is yet another sad example of the failure of the public school system, and why we need to look at expanding alternative education options that actually address the needs of growing young minds. Preferably, alternative means to education than those that cost the taxpayers in Maryland $20 billion annually. Even charter schools are a move in a better direction, despite being funded by taxpayers, because they at least get the government out of the curriculum and operations within those centers of learning.
________________________________________ On the nation’s first law to protect Planned Parenthood from federal budget cuts: Planned Parenthood shouldn’t be federally funded, period. It's one of far too many private business entities receiving federal funding. I know a lot of people who question the morality of some of the services provided by Planned Parenthood - I am myself pro-life, by the way - regardless, this is more about whether every taxpayer should have to foot the bill for the services provided by Planned Parenthood, whether they like it or not - and I don't believe they should have to. It is within the means of Planned Parenthood to ensure that it continues to be able to provide services to the communities it serves – without federal funding. That’s where philanthropy, charity, and voluntarism come into play.
________________________________________ On a law to grant tax breaks to manufacturing firms that bring jobs to areas with high unemployment: I generally support this, because I support tax breaks, period – although truthfully, I’m more inclined to focus on state tax breaks for the individual working taxpayer, because then we all benefit.
________________________________________ On the legislature rejecting plans to let an independent commission draw legislative boundaries, rather than politicians: Of course politicians on both sides of the aisle in the General Assembly rejected it! I completely support Larry Hogan’s idea to let an independent commission decide the district boundaries. We would eliminate gerrymandering that way. About the only way to combat the gerrymandering, in my opinion, is by gubernatorial executive order, if that is possible. But naturally, it isn’t high on the priority list. It should be.
________________________________________ On the General Assembly overriding a veto of limits on how the state can intervene to help failing schools: The State should not be intervening in failing schools. All that the State is doing, then, is throwing more money at a growing problem – at a sinking ship. The proof is right there. We shouldn’t be trying to mask the problem. If anything, we need to drive new strategies for educating our students. We need free market alternatives – many already exist, and we need to open up to those possibilities, draw awareness to them, promote charter schools, alternative schooling options, etc.
________________________________________ On tax breaks for retirees and law enforcement: Excellent – not only am I a proponent of any and all individual tax breaks for taxpaying citizens in Maryland, but I feel it’s important to acknowledge and show respect to the public servants in law enforcement who have dedicated their working lives to keeping our communities safe. I’m a proud member of my local area’s Police Community Relations Council and believe in collaboration and open communication at the local community level between the citizens of those communities and the public servants who are here for the safety of those citizens.
________________________________________ On the prospect of legislative ban of guns on all college campuses: I’m not sure why a bill was proposed to ban guns on college campuses, since they’re already banned on college campuses by the colleges themselves. Personally, I disagree with colleges’ decisions that guns should be banned on their campuses, just as I believe that gun-free zones promise absolutely no safety to the individuals within them (and quite possibly point out ‘sitting duck ranges’ for those who would do harm to such innocents). But I believe that colleges have the right to ban guns on their campuses if they choose, just as students have a choice about whether or not to attend a college when considering its rules. I don’t think there should be a legal mandate coming from the General Assembly and passed through the Governor that essentially overrides a college's rules. Luckily, no such bill made it through to any level of fruition.
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By Authority of Friends of Joseph Sandy - Maurice Grace, Treasurer.