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Sorry, i don't have a picture up of myself, there's a very good reason for that, i'm to poor to afford a scanner, and to cheap to pay a friend to scan it. Well, my name is Karen, i'm 17 and live near Baltimore, MD. Well, at least untill July, then i'm going to move to Mississippi. Actually, I move around alot, my dad's in the military, so i've lived all over. I was born in Arkansas, then we moved to Guam, South Dakota, Mississippi, North Dakota, Germany, back to MS, Maryland, now i'm going back to Mississippi. It really sucks, i'll be a senior next year, and in my 4th high school.
Anyway.... If you haven't already guessed by now, i love Kirk Cameron. I remember how, me and my friends would sit in front of the t.v. to watch "Growing Pains". I haven't actually ever met Kirk, and i probally never will, but if i did i don't know what i'd say or do. I'd probally just stand there and look really stupid.

I like alot of other things, besides "Growing Pains" and Kirk Cameron (just so you don't think i'm some kind of weird obsessive freak). I love SNL, please go to my sister's site, she maintains it for the SNL Fan Club we're in (totally unofficial), it's pretty cool, i work on it a little too. I also like to watch South Park, ER, Friends, Seinfeld, The Simpsons and whatever else is really good.

I don't sit around and watch tv all day, i listen to music (anything from Metallica to Garth Brooks), hang out with my friends at the mall, and go to the beach. I love all kinds of animals, (i was in PAW- People for Animal Welfare at school. But, more than anything, i love my little Lhaso Apso puppy, Belle(acctually, she's almost 5).I even tried going vegitarian, once, but it didn't go over to well in my house hold, (you have to know my parents to understand this one!) Oh, i also like to talk to my friends on AOL, my screen name is PoohB18241, if ur on AOL< IM me sometime! Well, that's about all you really need to know about me, basically, i'm a really, really nice person, who likes Kirk Cameron, and alot of other stuff too.

