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In the Beginning

Way back when, in the early 70's (okay, fine, dinosaurs weren't around any more, but still *g*), a young girl was left to her own devices. Her father was continually sent overseas while her mother kept house.
This little girl spent many hours staring at the moon while she was supposed to be sleeping and imagined the Lady of the Moon was soothing her fears.
As she grew older, the girl started reading mythology books and found out she had been named after one of the Moon Goddesses... this heightened her interest in nature, feeling a common bond.
Although she had been raised in a nominally Christian family, her parents had never made her chose a particular path and wanted her to ind her own. When she began elementary school, she was made to attend chrch services as part of the school's requirement. However, she was still reading and becoming more and more dis-satisfied by what the churches were teaching.
She began reading about other religions, but none really spoke to her as the old gods had. She would pray to them instead of the Christian god while sitting in church, but did not realise until many years later, what she was doing. When she turned 22, she was finally introduced to the concept of paganism and finally understood this was the path she had been walking all those years, unknowingly.
She read voraciously, comparing the various types of paganism, to see which path she fit into best. After much soul searching,she understood that the Wiccan path was not hers. In her heart, she knew the gods she followed would not accept the strictures of the Rede and the Three-fold Law. Her ideology had been formed over the years, basically amounting to the following: Do what you want, but be ready to face the music if it blows up in your face".
Fast forwarding a few years... The girl has grown into a woman and doesn't care what people think =) I don't normally do a full-fledged ritual, instead, I try to live my life as if it were a never-ending celebration of the Gods. I am a solitary eclectic, as I have mentioned before, but then again most of my life is fairly eclectic and solitary =)


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