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Breath of Fire 1 Walkthrough

This is the Breath of Fire 1 walkthrough. This is a moderatly long game, and I will explain all the major points, but please note: I will not give directions throgh any dungeon or anything like that. "I don't think Angelfire could handle that much text. Heh heh heh". Any way, read on, and only read this if you are willing to exept help on an RPG. :)

To start off, I will explain the basics; like, what keys do what and how to customize your menu screen. To start off, the game will ask you to name your character. After that's done, you can assign different charistics to your menu screen and the game itself. Make sure you have all the control buttons to your liking, and start the game.

All the characters in the game have a given name exept yourself. At one point in the game you have the option to change it, but I have never used that option. I will refer to the main character as Ryu, as that is indeed his name. "Even though the instruction book refers to him as HERO" That's chinese for Dragon. Japanese is Tatsu.

You start off in a burning building. This was your home. Go to the chest to the right of your bed, and pick up an item. This is a good idea for all chest you come accross. After that, talk to the woman in the top of the screen. She will eventualy take you downstairs. "Good place to be" After a little conversation, your sister, Sara, will enter the room. She turns the room of people to stone so they will be unaffected by the battle outside. She leaves and encounters the Head Man outside. They begin to fight, and Sara loses. Ryu eventualy wakes up, but, all the other villagers have long since ran off. At this point, Ryu can return here to take a break. Leave the first building and go into the wrecked village that awaits you out side. You can buy weapons and items at the two stores above, and you can save in the small Dragon Shrine above the large building you came from. You have 400 Zenny to waste, and some pretty weak weapons. So, may I suggest buying some better armor, a better weapon, and alot of Herbs? It is not needed to do any of this, but it's a good idea.

Once you have bought everything that you need, step out of Drogen, where you came from, and into the huge world that awaits. This is your chance to level up against weak enemies. Slimes, fleas, and Bullas are all over the first part of the game. Slimes and fleas are easy to kill, and Bullas give you a fair ammount of Zenny for the small fight they put up. Make sure to use herbs frequently, as it is important to stay alive while leveling up and gaining money. If you do die, however, you will start off at the Dragon Statue in Drogen, regaurdles of whether or not you saved. Your progress will not be lost, but your Zenny will be halved. After you feel you can take on the enemies of the southern reigion of this continent, venture out to the castle of Camlon, to the North. This kingdom has been over run by vile monsters, let loose by the Dark Dragons. Camelon is evidently a prime target of the Dragons, so you have a reason to be here. With the king's permision, you should enter the castle.

In the castle of Camlon, there are many springs which refill your life. Use the gold you have to your advantage and stock up on the best stuff at Drogen, "When you have a new weapon, use the equip command on the menu, and change weapons."and make sure your at least at level 4 or 5 before entering this vile pit. Trust me, it will prove worth while. Make your way through the inner castle and rummage through the chest you find. Leave no hallway un-charted, for most paths have something to them. When you finaly reach the toad at the end of the level, you should be more leveled up, and should have better weapons. Attack as long as you can until your at the orange section in your health bar, and then use a Herb. Another battle pattern that will come in handy. With his defeat, the castle will return to peace, and the monsters will flea. the king will thank you for your generosity, and you can be on your way, with the satisfaction of knowing your better than they are. Pat your self on the back, you've just slew your first boss. Many more to go.

After a journey to the North, you will find the town of Nania. It is, unfortunatly, a town of the Dark Dragons, so you should wait until the night falls before you enter. Then, make your way around the town, avoiding any confrontation with the Dark Dragon gaurds, and find the weapon and item shops. You can stock up, but you will eventualy find the sword in which they sell, so it's not needed. Next, find the tower on the island in the Northern section of the building. If you remember, the Camlon people said a few things about earth quakes, well, this place is the source. Enter the building, and go down the stairs.

While in the lower part of this catacomb, you will come across much treasure, which you should take. Once you find the boss, he will attack you for disturbing him.

Use the same battle plans that you used for the Toad in the last castle. Attack, then heal when you need to. Dont let your life get too much lower than 30, because you need two turns to heal, since he attacks before you. If you want, you could use that f.sting you found earler. This will take about 1/3 of his life alone. It's not realy worth saving for later, because the enemies only get harder.

After that guy is done with, take the key from the machine and use the circle in the left of the room to telaport out of that pit. It soon caves in. Out side, one of the Kings men returns and thanks you for helping out. Good job.

Head to the east, and then to the north. You should soone be anle to see the wonderful city of Winlan. Enter the castle, "after gearing up with better items, if you wish" and talk to the enhabitants. They will alow you to sleep in a winlan bed, and Nina will apear. You learned that the Winlan king has been poisioned by the D.Dragon's wizard. Well, he probably has some sort of cure. Set off to find him. As Nina, leave the castle and head to the west, where the mountain cave is. Enter, and two gaurds escort you. You have no choice but to let them along, but thats alright, because Nina's weak. Proced through the cave, and you will find the exit. To the west is a small vilage called Romero. The people there complain of missing villagers, and some who only come out at night. If you want, gear up, but there's not much to do here. Leave the west exit, make your way through the forest, and find the wizard's tower.

With the large tower ahead of you, things look pretty glum. But WAIT! It gets worse. Thre are three evil ghost you must kill. If Nina has the Fort spell, use that to increase DEF. You will eventualy find the top of the tower. Nina and the Gaurds fight the wizard, "for whatever it's worth" and end up losing. The surviving Gaurd goes to seek help. This is where Ryu comes in. As Ryu, go with the other gaurds and find the wizard. In the room with the wizard in it, do as I say, as this is one of the only out-of-the-way secrets you get. At the very left of the room is the Rang, which is much better against the wizard than the sword, and it is pretty easy to miss. Fight the wizard and bring Nina back to the castle. The king will get better and you can exit through the basement.

With Nina now in your team, you have a healer and a fighter. This will make things a little easier. Go to the east to find the villages of Tantar and Tuntar.

If you talk to the cheif of both villages, you wont get much information, exept that you should go to the forest. If you diddn't get the I.Ore, you should get it now. I belive it was found in the wizard's tower, but I may be mistaken. Once you have that, talk to the blacksmith in the house with smoke coming out of it, and he will forge you a Saw. This will be used to ebter the forest, then it will break. Go through the forest, and enter the Dungon. Go through the maze, and you will encounter an old man. Follow him and he will sick a beast on you. Kill that and he will chalenge you. Accordingly, you also need to kill him, so do that. You have Bo in your party for this fight, so take advantage of his magic attacks. But remember, he has limited MP. With Bo, return to Tuntar. The village elders will now ask of you a legnthy task.

Go to Romero, using Bo to travel through the trees, instead of going through caves. Talk to the woman by the graves at night, she will let you go into the basement to retreive the wtare jug. then, head out to the cave in the south, where the Cleansing water is. Whene you fill the bottle, go to Romero and use it on the ground. If you ever need a free full-healing item, get more water. The land will return to normal, and you will be awarded the tablet, the way into Auga.

Go to Auga, near Romero, as the elders instructed. Remember, with Bo in the group, you can just slide through the trees, instead of going through those peskey caves and such. At Auga, there is much treasure, and it's worth going out of the way for. At the end, you will fight a spirit at the top level of the tower. When he's gone, you get the king Kye. Put it to good use by entering the left foot of the Stone Robot you have heard about before.

This is easy, so dont worry. There's nothing you can realy do now, so just fight the Dark Dragon soldiers at the end. They will leave and you'll be able to control the robot. Ryu moves him to the river and destroys the rocks, setting it free. This calls for celibration. But the party can't begin yet. Talk to the Tantar village leader, and he will tell you of the Cave of teh Ring. Now that the dam is out, the cave's waters have recided. Get the rign and return to the village. Let the wedding begin.

Unfortunatly, the party is crashed "Well, crushed, rather," by the dark dragons, who are thirsty for revenge. This is your second scaling of the Stone Robot. You can use the tellaporters to get all the items this place has to offer, but your main goal is the Dark dragon at the end. He will transform into some Gremlin thing. Fight away. At the end of the battle, you must leave the robot, and say good bye as he throws himself into a volcano. "happy Trails!" Say your good bye's. As depresing as it is watching so much equipment get thrown to waste, it grants you access to the mid-eastern continent. A new section awaits...

Go strait to the cave in the south, and make your way through it.

You will arrive in a new section, which holds the village of Auria. Auria is sort of a snobby rich man's village, but you can score some pretty good things from people's houses. If someone asks a favor, do it for some cash. Just don't get caught.

You will find the hard truth that nothing in life is free. You need to go get a gold bar from somewhere. Your best bet, instead of saving up for one, is to go find a theif who can open locks. Go into the cave

You will find many difficult enemies in the pits of the dungeon. At the other end of the cave is a small part of the land with a tower, a lake, and a "Bleak" looking village. "Heh heh heh"

Not much here yet, but you can get informaton on how to reach the desert. As for the woman traped in the Auria dungeon, she has a little time to wait. If you got the gold bar in the Dungeon, you can give it to the head of Bleak, and he will give you the IceSickle. This will alow you passage into the desert. You will eventualy come accross Arad. The head man will ask you to fight the large worm. After the battle, he will give you the fife, and you can stay there as long as you wish. It seems boring as Hell, but Arad is one of my favorite villages. I mean... just LOOK at those eskamo guys!!!

Anyway, go to the desert dungeon of Krypt to the South. once you get to a room with treasure chest and lots of 'em, water will start to pour in. Karn, the theif from Auria will meet you in this room. Continue through the maze, and fight the end boss. After you make it to the end of Krypt, look at all the caskets. "The one in the bottom left has a message." Karn will gain a new-found confidence. Before anything else, go to the Tower of Dark. It's by Bleak. After this, go back to Auria.

Now, Karn can unlock the prision in Auria. The rich man will give you permision to go on his ship. But, once you arrive, Dark Dragons have taken over. After you beat them, they destroy the ship. But, Gobi the merchant fish offers a stick of explosives. If you diddn't get the Gold Bar in the Dungeon, get it now. If you did, but one in the Shop. Then, give it to Gobi. After that, go to the Northern Cave, and all the way to the left. use the explosives, and find the ship. You have to fight a bit, but you can get the ship back to Auria. When it leaves, a story commences. I won't ruin that for you...

After a while, you will be forced to do some fighting. remember to get all the chests.

When you end up playing as Gobi, go to Prima in the west. talk to the head cheif in the Northern house. Then go to Gant in the South. You hear of their problems. You get the gills, and the whole party can go under water. Go get 'em!

You will need to find Bleu in the small sand-island of Wisdon. It's near Arad. Fight all her gaurds, and she will give you an egg. Go to the underwater cave and plant it. Later, it will come in handy.

After some scenes, the D.Dragon's ships will sink... sink into the brink, matie... "ehem!" You will need to go get Bleu again. She will help in the fight because she has magical attacks which come in handy. Kill the dark dragons, and then head back to help the lost Gant crew man.

once you have your party, go fight the ghost above Ox. After that, go to the Dungeon where everyone is stuck at.

Ox will do alot of smashing in the Dark Dragon's Dungeon, and after a few battles, you will fight a head Dark Dragon. The Gantians will be released. Your last peice of business with this part of the world, go to the north. You will see a forest, and inside there will be large birds and a knight. Talk to him, and he explains the birds and the castle ahead. Go to the weapon collector's house, and and if you got the B.RANG in Krypt, get it repaired. Then go to the forest with the birds again, and fight the one surrounding the egg. Affter this, slowly lead the birds to the Northern Kingdom and the birds will run ammok. Go through the castle, and at the end of this small quest, go back to Prima.

After this, Gobi gets his Sphere, and can go where ever in the ocean he wants. Swim to the Northern Continent that you havnt been to yet. Now, go to Gust in the North.

You have to deal with Cort, and all of his crap, but after all is said and done in Gust, go to Gramor. You have to get the flute from Gust, and another musical peice from Tunlan. This will take some time, but not much fighting.

Now, enter Mogu's head in Gramor. This is tough. I havn't been much help in the past few paragraphs, but I will tell you this. When you have to fight the little boy in the Tower in the north, DON'T fight him the first time you see him. Ask him to leave you alone and run. He will KILL you otherwise. KILL YOU!!!

Any way, anfter you run, go back to the tower and go all the way through. At the end, you will find the boss, and he can be killed. After you kill the boss, go to the Newly fixed bridge. Here's a tuffy. Go through the path trying not to get hit by any geisiers. If you have any marble3's, use em' here. When you find Mogu, he will gain confidence.

With Mogu, find all the small Dragon Icons that lie on the ground. For instance, the Dragon mark north of Nanai. Once inside place Karn in the lead and talk to the wizard to learn a spell to fuse Bo and Ox into the superstrong Doof. With Doof,look for Heavy boxes which can be pushed in the Bleak fortune teller's house. Under one you find stairs to get the ClearCL, and under the other a trap door. Have Karn talk to the wizard you find there and learn to fuse into Puka.

Leave Gramor and go to the south cave. This leads you to the small village of Spring. Pretty strange place, huh? "Concidering that the last village was made of sand and desert."

They tell you a few things, one of which is that a hero fell into the waterfall, and if you go fishing, you might catch a hero instead of a fish. Any way, eventualy go to the tower in the south with Mogu in your party, and go into the Tower. You should probably stock up on Marble3's. At the top, you'll have to fight.

Woa, look who's back. It's Mote! He will send you to one of the most anoying places in the game, the world of Dreams. Not much different from Mogu's nightmare, eh? Head south to find a cave. You will find Mote's quarters eventualy...

GOD! I hate this place! Any way, have Mote's servant point him out for you, and you will continue. The glass path room is tough. Remember that you don't spin, but the glass does, so you're always facing in the same direction. After more dungeon, you will find Mote. Change Karn to Puka if you have him. After he dies, fish for the Dragon Armor in the spring in ... Spring. "heh heh heh" You now have the Sky Key, also.

Go through the Waterfall to find Carmen. Time has stoped, and things are real screwy. Find the Time Tower in the East. After some jounrying, you run into Cerl, another hench man of Jade. After a bit of Story, she messes things up again and sends everyone back to Carmen. Exept Ryu, that is. Make your way back and meet with the group. Follow Alan to the Clock Tower to see Cerl. You need to fight her. Use the Bolt Dragon, Puka, and Bleu's Bolt X spell.

Once again, Cerl messes things up. If you want, you can go up one more time and get MYSTsd armor. Just warp back to Carmen, and talk to the injured Alan. he informs you of her old favorite food, which is on a tree you may have noticed at the bottom of the Continent. Bring that to her castle in the far east, and she will let you in. She has a conflict with Goda, the strongest of Jade's men, and some story accumulates.

Follow Cerl's advise and go to Tock to restore time. Nina unfortunatly is not anywhere to be found. Now you have to go on a little Nina Sub-quest.

first, talk to the Knight in the North East part of Carmen. After Go to Carmen and talk to the Doctor in the large house. He will tell you that he can help her, but you need to find the ingredients. If you already have the C.nut, the Root, and the W.ant, you only need the If you don't have these,Look at the top floor chest to get the first ingredient, the W.ant. Next, have OX punch a tree in the lower desert of Gramor for the Root. Next, go by the weapon collector's house, and have him punch a palm tree and get the C.Nut. Last, go fishing in the purple swamp which lies to the South of the Continent with Carmen.

Give these ingredients to the Doctor in Carmen, and when he gives you the antidote, go to Winlan. Remember that Nina look-a-like? If you searched all the Houses in the city, you saw her. Well, she's the real thing. Give her the antidote, and she'll act like nothing happened. "She thinks that everythings just as it was after she was thrown through time." With the new Nian, you'll notice her new attack, and the fact that she can turn into a Bird with the click of the B button on the Map screen.

With Nina's new abilities, find all of the Dragon marks and open them. Also, go fishing in all of the Dragon Equipment in the wells you see. With the Dragon equipment, go to the Dragon training school near the Gant mountain range. After that, find the small island in the small lake near Gust. There as another training center. Last, but deffinatly not least, with the Dragon stuff, go back to the Water cave. At the bottom, where you got the Cleansing Water, keep going. You can go under water, and get the AGNI spell, which makes the game a whole lot easier. "I have gotten the Agni spell each time I've played through the game, but I've heard that you get a different ending if you don't get this spell. If you don't want it, you DAMN sure better level up!"

Now, with Nina, head out for Scande. It's the Tower in the center of the huge swamp. If you havn't gotten the pass from the shadowy man in Carmen, do that.

With the pass that the guy in Carmen gave you, the guards will let you through. Check out the tower, and you will find that parts are gone. Return to Spring, and a man in bed will give you his spare ones. Once you return, and talk to the man at the top, you will be instructed to go to Tunlan to find the DHRT, "Dragon Hurt" that will make short work of any Dragon. Wait to use it. A woman teaches it to you. You know, that crazy-about-music woman. Afterwords, go back to Scande.

You now have the weapon to kill one of the two following dragons, but don't go to the top just yet. If you want a good boomarang weapon, then forget what I said about going back to Scande. Instead, go to the island North of Romero. It has a small tower, which you cannot yet enter, and behind that tower, in the space covered by it, there is the tri-rang. The most powerful boomarang weapon. Also, about 1/10th of the battles on this island are against the M.Slime; a fairly easy monster who gives you 9999 exp and 9999gp. No kidding! It may take awhile, but this is the place to get leveled up. Never the less, get the tri-rang now, because you can't latter on in the game. Believe me, I found that out the hard way. Also, go and visit the woman weapon collector. If you go to the male weapon collector, fly strait North for awhile, and you will find her. Once you talk to her, you'll start a small sub-quest which consist of you taking messages back and fourth between the two weapon collectors. After this, you'll be awarded the i.claw.

Now, if you have all the dragon equipment, all 9 dragon transformation spells, all four of Karn's spells, good equipment, a good share of Cure items, a full water bottle, the pass, and the i.claw, go to Scande.

Once there, you can go to the Top. At the end, you'll fight a boss. In order not to ruin the story for you, I'll not give the names of the next five bosses, but instead, tel you b.1, b.2, ect... Anyway, after b1 is out of the way, you fall into a hole, and after a bit of story, the mole people help you escape. After you talk with a few of them, Jade wakes the tower in the North, where you got the tri-rang, "and by the way, this is the point where you can no longer get the tri-rang." and you can go to Augua, as he instructed.

After you lower the island, enter with Karn in the lead, and make your way to the top. Go around where you got the key, and find a door in the back. It will lead to a stairway, and you can enter at the top. Inside is Jade, who tells you ... unsettling news. From here, you can enter the tellaportation device, or if you have other matters to attend to, you can just leave, and go to the island by yourself. This gives you time to save.

After you get through the dungeon, you'll confront B2, and will have to fight. Use the d.hurt, if you havn't already. I don't think it works on b4, but you can save it for him if you want to.

When you find JAde at the end of the tower, he'll raise the Oblisk, and he'll KILL you!!! No, not really, but everyone thinks he does. You wake up at your house in Drogen, and are instructed to leave for the last level. Go if your all set for the journey ahead. After a large maze, you'll run into B3, and he'll attack. Use your best spells, or, if you have it, simply use the AGNI spell. When your life gets in the yellow zone, use a CURE, and your all set. After this feind is dead, go on into the room ahead. Navigate your way through, and you'll eventualy run into B4, who will offer you to join. Say no, for sentimental sake. Actualy, it really doesen't matter. Fight him with the same strategy as B3, and after words, check just left of the throne for the Emperor sword, and behind the right pillar for the Star Hammer. Not too useful at this point, but they are Ryu's and Ox's strongest weapons. If you want, you can use the EXIT spell and save, or just continue, if you like. Below is the final boss, so heal up if needed.

Okay folks, this is the big one. You'll fight B5 for the first time if you chalenge her instead of asking for a wish. You can just put it on AB, because she puts up no attack. After this, she'll ask if you can befriend her. You mine as well say yes, because she'll just keep asking you. If you got the Agni spell, Sara will arrive and tell you to use it. I'm not sure what happens otherwise... Anyway,Use it here. After this fight, B5 challenges you one more time. She'll throw everything she's got at you once you get her life down to a sliver. Just be cheap and use the AGNI spell once again. It kind of saps the fight of any enjoyment exept the fact that she can't do anything at all. Well, keep using CUREs and Agni's insane attack. After the battle, you are awarded a fairly rewarding ending. Congrats! You just finished one of this worlds best three games. I wonder what the other two are. Heh heh heh.

Walkthrough by Garrett Pomeroy

written June 1998- Oct. 1999