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Breath of Fire II pictures

These are the characters from the Breath of Fire series:
Breath of Fire II

Ryu Bateson

Separated from his parents at birth, the Hero has grown up strong and independent. He is brave and a born leader, and he also has mysterious powers of the dragon that will manifest themselves in the future.

Bow "Boochy" Doggy

He's a thief, a rouge, and the Hero's best friend since childhood. He's good with his hands and an expert with a bow. He's a great hunter and a worthy companion in the Hero's quest.


She's fast and deadly, an arena fighter of amazing skill. She loves to fight, and she's very competitive. She's also very loyal, inquisitive, and fiercly protective of her friends.

Nina Windia

This exiled princess of Windia is a magician of great power. While she's not as tough as some of the party, she wields tremendous magics that can be very effective in a fight

Rand Marks

A giant of a man with immense strength, Rand also commands some magic. He's brave, honest, and a fearsome fighter.

Sten Legacy

A travelling entertainer who was once an elite soldier, he's always joking around. But once you see him in action, you'll take him very seriously. Those long arms of his can come in very handy in special situations

Jean Sima

He's very self-absorbed and often unaware of what's going on, but he's very chivalrous and good-hearted. He's also a good warrior and possesses some unusual powers that can be of great value to the party.

Spar Yggdrasil

He's a creature of the forest, and can communicate with plants. His unusual powers are invaluable at the right times. Calm and unemotional, he's also strong and reliable.


Unfortunatly, Bleu is a secret character, and there is no information on her in the instruction book, and you cannot talk to her at the end of the game. I don't have any idea why that is. Any way, all I really know about her is that she is Deis in the Japanese version, and if any of you have played III and gotten pretty far, you know what that means. She is immortal, and a great magick user. As for her homelife, I think she has thrown her godship away and lives an unorganized life in the Oasis.

Ray Bradok

Ray is a member of the Saint Eva church, and is also helpful and a wholsome human being. Later, you learn that he belongs to a section of the dragon family known as the "Black Dragons" by one of his fellow clansmen. Do you think this means the Dark Dragons?


The shamans are a group of six women who posses the powers of Fire, Wind, Water, Earth, Angel, and Devil. They will aid you in your quest by fusing with your characters, not unlike the fuse powers of Karn from BoF I, and will grant superior strength.

Tiga Lee

As the head of the CotLand resistance, Tiga has opposed the Church as long as you've known him. He, like Katt, is a member of the Woren clan. Could this stimulate some intrest between the two?

Patty Smith

Patty is a mysterious woman in that you get to know little about her until the end of the game. I don't know if Capcom tried to cover this little detail up, but if they did, they didn't do the best job of it. It seems that after the citizens of Gate's memories were erased, Yau, Ryu's younger sister, left for a life of thievery, and became Patty later in her life. She has similar characteristics to those of the Dragon clan, and has a great fondness for her lost mother.

These characters and images are property of Capcom.