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Item model number: 11-AR165
Amazon Sales Rank: #200 in Sports & Outdoors

InStep Safari TT Single Stroller This stroller is fabulous, handles well - easy turn with wheel swivel, very little rolling resistance, stays on course, great adjustable handle. I love the pouch on the back, the canopy funtions well, etc. For the money you just can't beat this thing! The downsides - 1) could use a wrist strap - the rolling resistance in non-existent - if you forget to put on the brake and let go, bye-bye baby. 2) the storage basket could be slightly larger (this is a multi-use stroller, not a straight jogger, so I would like a bit heftier cargo capacity). 3) The baby harness could be a bit cushier, it is perfectly functional, just a bit bare and slightly tough to use. Overall this is great, if you are looking for a stroller for walking around the neighborhood, jogging on paths, going to the store in, etc. I would highly recommend it

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