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7/28/00~i'm melting!!!
'Ello people, I made a big move! i'm no longer in Maryland. I moved to Phoenix, Arizona. quite a difference I would say. hot, very VERY hot. I've also been job hunting and managed to find myself a job. I start next friday from this very date.
I updated the art section and i'm working on another section. may take awhile but I'll post it when i'm done :o)

6/6/00~(Insert wise ass comment here)
Alright! I got a new piece of art work up for you guys. nothing really going on in the bright sceem of things....Blah.

H owdy surfers! this week was quite an experiance for me. I finally graduated, off to go to the beach for a few days and on top of that I got a few playstation games :o) check it out, I finally have my reaching near perfection....well not really but it's getting there slowly. I've updated my art page (of course) and I have added a few extra things. hope you enjoy :o) ~DWU~


Recently I have bought a few games and I would like to exspress myself about them. some of them are good while others are about as useless as an AOL CD. a few weeks ago I seen a DreamCast game called Space Channal 5. it looked rather cool and being a big fan of bust 'A' groove, parappa the rapper and all those other music orianted games I fuigured I go ahead and get it. with high hopes I walked into the local wal-mart and happly came home with my brand new copy of Space Channal 5. now first off, if you have no idea what this game is let me explain it to you. you're a news reporter named ulala in the far distent future. alians have came to take over earth and is doing so by forcing everyone to dance. you have the wonderful job of walking around, reposrting and dancing/shooting what looks like little gremliens in nuclear safty suits. ok, lets just pause here to think for a moment shall we? first off....what the fuck is wrong with sega for evem thinking of a stupid ass title such as this or even leting a 3rd party company make this load of crap!? as you can see I am VERY upset about this game. not only is it CRAP but I rather have several root cannals, a mudgit dancing on my head with high heels and my nuts kicked all at the same time rather then play this game! it's terable! please, do yourself a favor Dreamcast owners. DO NOT BUY SPACE CHANNAL 5!!!!!!

on the bright side. I did get two other games I really enjoy playing alot. megaman 8: anniversary edition is a very nicely made game. it's nothing like the Megaman X series (you megaman fans know what I'm talking about :oP) it;s more like a very juiced up version of an 8-bit nintendo megaman game and being a fan of them also I was instintly drawn into the flashy granphics and corny boss names (*insert corny name here*man) though the the voice acting in the videos and game itself is pretty bad it doesn't bother a real megaman fan. I really sugjest if you are into megaman (not the x series) that you pick up this game. the other game I picked up was off my cousin about early monday (june 12th) this one is called Ledgend of mana. this is the US sequal to secret of mana. in japan this is like the 5th one in the whole mana series. well at first I was a bit skeptical and I didn't know what to think. it looked nothing like the 8-bit classic, but when I actually sat down and played it I was pretty impressive. great...NO! WONDERFULLY colorful backgrounds and a very different game play feel from the other US mana game. personaly, I love this game. I don't know whats wrong with my cousin or why he doesn't like it but I bought it off him and that saves me a trip into town to go buy my own copy ;o)
