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Photograph: Mountains by Michael David Coffey

Yes, 'I need your love' . . .

'I need your love': the song cries out!
In the sunny afternoon of my disposition
Dreaming of a day when you will be forever
And yet it still seems too unreal
Like a novel on a journey to a distant place
Nothing that has been, has reality
Yet it was
And that's the mark of love
Yes, 'I need your love' . . .

'I need your love' , and I wait impatiently!
Because there is a chasm in my living now
No dream can replenish this hunger
For this unreality is the only reality
For our lives are on a journey
To a distant place of misty inspirations
A place where love abounds
Yes, 'I need your love' . . .

Copyright ©
April 9, 1999
Michael David Coffey

