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Sleeping Beauty 1912, by Maxfield Parrish (1870 - 1966)

Sleeping Beauty

Gentle night and dreamy desires amid the fragrances
Of Mountain berries and fragrant orange blossoms
Black blue nights in a mellow dusky slumber
Dreaming of a lover's kiss and passionate lingering
In the fragrant whispers of an evening melody
The air heavy with the promise of floral adventures,
spicy and delectable
Sleeping beauty, in a sweet dream of fragrant nights

A soft sensuous world of innocence and loving
Of Mountain berries and orange blossoms
Black blue nights in a mellow dusky slumber
Dreaming of an endless kiss in a passionate embrace
In love with a vision of the purest love, given and taken
The night full of heavenly sighs and love's innocence,
in yearning and longing
Sleeping beauty, in a sweet dream of fragrant nights

This poem is dedicated to my
lovely daughter, Katy.

April 3, 1999
Michael David Coffey

