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Deep Embrace of Life

Smiling and thinking of you-
Feeling contented in the
cloisters of my mind
Thoughts of you-
Wanting you by my side
Then, we could make
love slowly and softly
In each others deep embrace
of life, living
The loving way
feeling nervous, anxious
with you not here
Morning, dark and misty
A quiet mellow day
Sipping a thick dark espresso
Sweet, ever so sweet
and rich
I smile and think of you
In love
And the message comes
"I would be surprisingly good for you."
Here in the mainstream of
Surviving in the cauldron
of a stormy sea of life
Rejoicing in the heart
of an agony, of loving
I cry out for you!
Echoes in the great cathedrals
of coastal redwoods
"Yes, I love you very much."
I hope this is not a dream
Can this be reality?
In the hardness of
living's torments
When hurtful words are
often said
Will our love wither and
like an ephemeral rose
of passion?
Petals scattered on the
dusty brown earth floor
Or will our love come back
Strengthened by the deepness
of a profound loving
Deep, warm, in the colorful coral canyons
of a tropical ocean
Or will we cry out in the
hurricane of life's
Will it, will it
survive the
boiling turmoil
of such a stormy scene
In the endless waves,
pounding insults-
this main stream of
Living and loving
In our deep embrace of life

Copyright © 1998
Michael David Coffey

