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Angels Trumpets by Michael David Coffey

Angels Trumpets

A triumphant sound of
In the sensual softness of an
autumnal harvest
Golden leaves floating
gently to the earthy floor
Strains of grand opera
in the cool expectant air
Sitting here in the garden
of my neglect, I am
renewed, among-
Pink roses in their dying grace
Amidst the thorny brambles
of my wild place
Bougainvillea vines
scattering their purple flakes
On the earthy mound, come
whispers of a gentle
breeze in my hair
The radiant joy of autumnal
Strains of opera, drifting
into the garden
And Angels Trumpets
swaying rythmically above me
In seasonal salute to the
pleasure of falling leaves
Golden offerings to
nature's cyclical renewal

Copyright ©
November 25, 1998
Michael David Coffey

