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To order tapes, send your name, address, and $3/tape + $1/tape shipping to CUF 2713 Trinity Irving, TX 75062






Mission Series' at Blessed Sacrament Parish:

Fr. Shannon Collins (5 tape set)  

Fr. Chris Henderson (5 tape set)

Fr. David Wilton (5 tape set)


Father Francis de Sales Majors:

St. Theresa of Avila on Prayer (10 tape set)     

St. Thomas Aquinas (9 tape set)   

Carmelite Saints on Prayer (2 tape set)        

St. Francis de Sales (2 tape set)


CUF Lecture Series:

Patrick Madrid, "Pope Fiction"

Fr. Mitch Pacwa, "The Passion of the Son of God"

Dr. Warren Carroll, "The Protestant Revolt"

Peter Kreeft, "The Lord of the Rings"

Regis Martin, "Pope John Paul II"

William Saunders, "The Persecution of the Church in Sudan"

John Cuddeback, "Aristotle and Aquinas on Human and Divine Friendship"

Donald DeMarco, "The Virtues"

Donald DeMarco, "Marriage: Complementarity or Confrontation"

Mark Brumley, "The Hard Sayings of Jesus"

Mark Brumley, "Why Be Catholic"

Mark Brumley, "The Seven Ages of the Church"

James Hitchcock, "What Went Right With Vatican II"

James Hitchcock, "St. Ignatius and St. Francis Xavier"

Leon Suprenant, "Of Miters and Men: The Role of the Bishop in the 21st Century"

Fr. Ray Ryland, "Why Being Catholic Makes a Difference"


Other tapes:

Fr. George Rutler, "Spiritual Health Tips"

Fr. George Rutler, "Praying Twice--Beauty in Worship"

Catholic Answers Live: "Exorcism: Demonic Warfare"

Ignatius Press Books-on-Tape: "Theology for Beginners"

Dr. William Marshner, "Defending the Faith: The Catechism of the Catholic Church"