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Stone pile Theory..

Stone Theory.. The three documentarians wake one morning to find the 3 piles of rocks around the tent. Why? I have no idea... But here are a few theories to answer that very question.

Theory 1.)Since there were 7 similar stone piles in the cemetary to state the resting place of the 7 children found dead in the woods, these three piles stand for a foreshadow of sorts for the three filmakers.

Theory 2.)The three stones were used as a warp back in time. "Everything inside the three stones was transfered back to the Blair Witch era".

(argument)-Then why were there sounds of planes flying overhead? Hmmm, "IS SHE A WITCH?!?! I dunno, but I have to make my 3:00 flight to Florida!"

Theory 3.)They did ACTUALLY set up tent accidently in the middle of three piles of rocks, placed there by the wonders of Mother Nature.

Theory 4.)There was a spiritual curse on anything within the piles. Something that would make the compass not work, not alow them to read the map right, and well, drive them crazy!

Theory 5.)Jarrod Zipperer -Like Stonehenge, arrangement of stones can be symbolic through astrology, etc. These piles could have served as graves and/or 'power centers'

Theory 6.)Michael A. Blatterman -Our two guys Mikey and Josh found themselves a sucker. Before they went on this trip they knew what they were going to do. The little rock piles were made by Josh or Mikey.

Theory 7.)SHARON K JILES -Josh knocked the pile over when they were at the burial ground causing the blair witch to become angry however Heather fixed them and kissed it...Josh was the first to die......Heather the last........I think that was a siginificant point in the movie.

Theory 8.)Spirit/Hippie -I think the rocks changed the magnetism and made the compass fuck up. Thats what got them lost.

Theory 9.)Angelica -remember when josh kicked over one of the piles of rocks and heather re-stacks them? can you remember the sound of the rocks hitting each other? i kept hearing that sound as background noise until josh disappeared. i even thought at one point that during one of their many "freak-outs" that someone would even say "and what the hell is that noise" only because i figured if it was making ME crazy it must be wearing on their last nerve as well. but they never mentioned it and like i said it stopped when josh disappeared (or possibly i just stopped paying attention to it at that point)

Theory 10.)Robin -I have a new theory...OK, Josh stired the witch up by kicking the rocks, which is why we hear banging rocks at night and see the rock piles, then Heather stole her twiggy, which is why the tent was torn up and the twiggy was detsroyed, Mike did nothing to disturb the witch, so, Josh was killed, and Heather was killed as Mike stood in the corner, Mike is still alive, He is the one who stashed the back pack, he still has the missing gear, he has post a traumatic disorder and hiked out in the woods and is now a drifter. He is like Kyle Brodie was, living in fear and insane.