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Noose Theory..

Noose Theory.. Another thing found in Parrs house while searching for Josh, was something that looks similar to a hangmans noose. Due to its rigidness, it seems to be made of wire. But who knows, maybe its made out of rope awaiting a companion to "hang" with.

Theory 1.)From Nancy - I think it was there to prove that this was Rustin Parr's house because remember, he was hanged for the death of those 7 children.

Theory 2.)Jarrod Zipperer -Elly's representation of her devoted disciple, Rustin Parr. A trophy, if you will.

Theory 3.)furby69-Looks like someone forgot their extention cord to me.

Webmaster-hehe you little shit=)

Theory 4.)Clint Moore -I think that the noose was placed in the house as a symbol to show how them entering the house was a suicide. Heather had to understand that Josh was dead or possessed and that the house was the killers. So why else enter the witches lair, but to her at that point dying would be prrefered to being chased by the witch anymore.