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Lost map Theory..

Why did Mr.Mike lose the map??

Theory 1.)Mike is just dumb like that sometimes.

Theory 2.)Mike was possessed by Blair to lose the map just so she could get her hands on them.

Webmaster -Who knows, all I know is that I have never wanted to kick someones ass so HARD!

Theory 3.)Brandon Grogan -If Parr was possessed by the blair witch when he was doing this, it could have been josh possessed with the map the whole time, making mike stand in the corner before he killed heather.

Theory 4.)Brknlocket -Mike, in a hungry, delireous moment of fustration, desides to teach the holier-than-thou-i-know-everything director a lesson in humility, thinking, at the time he did it, that they were not in any real danger and could still find their way home, because, hey, this witch shit can't be that real, right?

Theory 5.)Martin -In the video I rented there is a trailer after the end of the movie with some "lost footage". In this footage, I recall that Mike indicated that he kicked the map into the stream after Josh balled up the map and through it on the ground. This would contradict what happened in the movie when Josh seemed to be convinced that he had given the map back to Heather. This would seem to indicate that Josh lied to Heather when he said that he gave the map back to her and, also, Mike was not entirely honest during his confession indicating that he kicked the map into to the river, because he didn't indicate then that Josh had thrown the map on the ground. This is also consistent with Heather later feeling that Mike and Josh were in on something and were concealing the map from her.