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Heather done it theories..

So you think Heather done it? Well how bout this, email me your total theory on why you think she did, and I will post it.

Remember, a full explination will be needed. Not just a "I think she did cause shes dumb like that".

Theory 1.)Fester -Its odvious to me that heather did the killings. if you go to the offical webpage and read her jornal all the "heck" she talking about for pre-production leads me to believe that she set up the twiggys and the 7 piles of stones. and as for the three small piles ; remember that mike and josh were still asleep when heather "found" them. and as for them all being lost she was the one guiding them through the woods . how she overpowered josh im not sure but it might have to so with the fact that hed been w/o food for several days and if mike "found" some smokes who knows what heather might have been hiding. ok to the reason mike was staning in the corner easy , he saw josh`s body there and was shocked so when heather got there she attacked him from behind no problem . so then you ask where is our psyco heroine and why did she do it ; as for the first one i think the confession scene was placed out of order and that she offed herself once she came to her sences or she just got herself "lost in america" and waited for the film to be found and her directorial masterpeice to be found as for why its easy nows shes famous worldwide and i wonder who would buy any story she put forth iif she decided to come out of hiding now tha shes famous.

Theory 2.)The couple(Joe and Claudette)-Heather DIDN'T DO IT! Remember, she is a DIRECTOR, not an actress. And that "confessional" she gave would be an academy award winning performance if she had done it. Plus, how in the heck would she be able to kill two grown men all by herself? She could barely carry her own pack. She is not a large woman, nor a very athletic one. Also, what would have been her motive? Publicity? Where is she then to collect on all that fame? Plus, she had a mother and friends to come back home to. Lastly, something was carrying her down those stairs. She was screaming in horror, not just because she couldn't catch up to Mike, but because something was doing something to her. Question, if she was running so fast to catch up to him, why would she still be filming? The camera would have been down at her feet and all we would have seen was the floor and her feet running. We didn't see her feet because she was being "led," or "carried."

Theory 3.)Paul Peterson -At the begining of the movie, Heather was reading a survival book. But she can't read a map, appearantly doesn't know how to eat the natural vegetation, and can't cross a river very good. And (this is my favorite part), the only time you can actually see the compass is when Heather pulls it out of her coat. It is hooked to a METAL (!!) neaklace. The magenet (north) would pull towards her, making ANY way they walk souht! Doesn't seem like that survival book did any good! And, Heather seems awfull disturbed when Josh knockes the stone piles, and she goes through a lot to set them back in place and even kiss them. Now, try to follow me. If you would count up the times each of the three were seen on the video, Mike was seen the most, followed closely by Josh, and then, WAY down there is Heather. And when she is seen, she is very shy. But behind the camera, she is very lively and talkitive. As Rustin Parr said "Don't watch me!". Heather forgets almost EVERYTHING she read in the survival book, and the extreme camera shyness. She seems possesed to me

Theory 4.)Lydia -My theory on young Heather was that she was completely obsessed with the Blair witch. I wouldn't mind betting that she had somehow conjured up the spirit of the Blair Witch..check out the writing in her journal! I strongly believe that she secretly wanted to be in contact with the witch (maybe she was in a secret cult or something)....and she did all right.