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Skulls and skelletons are very important things in mexican traditions like "the day of the death".
There was a very important cartoonist named Jose Guadalupe Posada who draw mexican life style of his time.
My granddather, Pedro Linares, was a fan of Posada and he thought about making skulls and skelletons of paper mache remaining Posada's draws.
We don't only make skulls like Posada's draws but different escenes of life like painting, drawing, running, atc, whatever. We make funny portraits of people that want to have his or her own skelleton cartoon.
Skelletons are in different heights from 15 cm tall to 3 or 4 m tall. There are skulls with different kind of life escenes on top, they are called "craneos campesinos" (farmers skulls) because there are many things that remain rural life like nopales, cactus, maguey, etc.

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