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      Distinctive Art Works



                          Progressive Poetic Thoughts


                       Wes Summers  


Life is an amusement park on a sunny day that rain is eminit in the forecast. You try  to get on the most rides before it pours the park closes and you must leave.

I have completed over three hundred oil paintings including several large murals and thirty-four chainsaw sculptures. In the past few years I have branched into high end custom jewelry design. Utilizing some of the rarest gemstones known.

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                      Wood Sculptures                     

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One of the largest works of art I've done to date . It's about 600 Lb. and 7ft.  tall . If your looking straight at the bird he looks as though he's turning his head away from you. If you look at the bird from ether side he looks like he's looking straight ahead. I didn't plan  that it just worked out that way.



                    Ballet point shoe

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The single 80 lb. piece of white oak spins on a steel axle drilled in to a slab of poplar wood as a base. It Is on display at the Mid Maryland Performing Arts Center in Frederick Maryland feel free to stop in and see it and meet the good people of MMPAC!

The Owl and bears I did for a lady who had a horse farm for handicapped children this place was truly amazing. This lady I believe can put anyone in any human condition on a horse.



                Mushrooms made of single piece red oak

                              4 ft. 10 in. Tall Weight 137 pounds

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Although man maybe powerless over the fact of his existence, he can only discover for himself the meaning of his existence


                Mushroom made of a single piece of red cedar

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There is no such thing as a solid object everything is made of atoms and atoms are made of vibrating energy. Yes even the eyes your reading this page with right now! But there is no right now because now is only a thought marked in time of the mind.

Be careful everything is still real!


Atocha coin mounted on gold with conch pearl ,Benitoite ,Red Emerald and Taffeite


Lighthouse is 8 ft. tall stands today at my home in the Blue Ridge Mountains 


6 ft. Indian head made of red cedar also at may home in Maryland. The inside of the head dress is lighted a bright reddish purple at night.  

Greek gold coin Alexander the Great 140 BC mounted on silver and gold with Tanzanite 

      The Hand

The hand is 5 ft. tall with stand and weighs 107 lb. and was carved from a singe piece of white oak


The Kempinski Hotel N'Djamena Chad Africa on a humanitarian mission working with land mine victims in Cameroon and Chad 2006

Click here to go my personal photo album of people and places in my life?


  Click on link to go to an article in Frederick Magazine on my chainsaw art.

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