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History of the Taff Riders Motorcycle Club

There has been a bike club of one name or another meeting at the Cross Inn since the fifties. One of which was the TRIUMPH OWNERS CLUB, CARDIFF. These started meeting in 1975, and had a couple of good years at it. Inevitabely, with a steady influx of Japanese machines, Triumphs were getting fewer and fewer among the members, and so a name change had to come about that would cater for anyone. So, in 1979 it was decided that the Triumph Owners MCC members at the time would start a new club, and began the TAFF RIDERS MOTORCYCLE CLUB. The club did an annual rally, and built up quite a name for the tenth rally in particular. At that time the membership was at its strongest (about 120). Since then the membership numbers have dwindled down to about the 30 odd mark, but that's no bad thing as most of us turn up weekly for club meetings, we're quite a tight club. Even with family commitments, there are very few that don't get away with the club much. That' pretty much it. . . what else d'ya need to know? Oh yeah, We've Moved!!! The Cross Inn closed on 28th Feb 2003 to become an Indian Restaurant. We now meet at NosDa, 53-59 Dispenser St, Riverside, Cardiff. We've been there eversince, and yes, still with some original members. That's 30 years they've been members. And to think, in the past, we've visited other club meetings to find 2 or 3 members in attendance. Says it all, don't you think?

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