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Welcome to the page of "Meishka" one has to say that firstly she has passed over the rainbow bridge and is sadly no longer with us in person but will ALWAYS be with us in spirit and in our hearts.
Meishka was my foundation bitch, she came to me, with me being a novice and she put up with me putting all kinds of unthinkable things in her head, pulling at her precious coat, never once did she complain, she showed like a wee angel, she never tired of giving me everything she had and more! she is the mother of CH Rivelino Im A Ewok (Benji),CH Rivelino The Crowned One (Bayley) and CH Rivelino Ruling Lady (Ellie).
Meishka also was an escape artist never wanting to stay where you wanted her to, she gave my friend a fright once thinking she had got out but she was just "hiding", she had a super nature and was lively and loving. She spent the best part of a year patiently on my bed with her best buddy "Molly" while I was sick and the two of them pulled me through. I cant say enough for this girl, she ment everything to me and through her prodgeny and grand prodgeny I can still see a "little" of Meishka. Meishka still has a special place in my house and still looks over us all. Thank you Meishka for always being there, and never complaining.
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