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#1 Beotch's

How they stand (Beotch Name)

The Players (Listed by Beotch names)

JEW the Commisioner

I. The Rules of Beotch

A) Every beotch must answer any higher ranking beotch, when asked "(Beotch Name) you are my ______?", with a prompt "beotch" reply.
B) Beotch's do not have to reply when the following occurs:
a. Their mother is present.
b. They are taking place in a wedding.
C) Beotch's can only challenge:
a. Beotch's of a higher rank.
b. Only with the commisioners approval.
D) If a beotch fails to reply to the question of "(Beotch Name) you are my ______?" they will be penalized.
a. Penalization- 2 hours of having to anser ALL beotch's with a reply of "Dirty Whore."

II. The Commisioner

A) Must know all the rules of "Beotch."
B) Must have a majority vote by all Beotch's. (If a tie occurs the current BM [Beotch Master] will cast the deciding vote.)
C) Will pick when and where beotch meetings will take place.
D) Will determine which game will and when it will be played between beotch members for beotch status.
E) When the Commisioner does not know the answer to an issue he will the contact the GIVERS (Lex and Terry between the times of 5:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. during their morning radio show to ask there personal Commisioner, Sam Kouvaris, to ask for the answer.
F) The Commisioner may resign his position at any time and select a new Commisioner to take his reign.
G) The Commisioner will pick all new members Beotch Names.

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