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Welcome To The Digimon MB...Enjoi.

Updates: April 15, 2003

Boom baby, I got inspiration back on my side the only problem is that I don't feel like doing anything until Easter Break when I have nothing better to do, so if you can bear with us all until about Friday I'll do what I have to...and then I can sit back and just moderate buwahahahahahahahaha

April 12, 2003
We have no updates...other than ones we forgot to mention before. I'm not in the updating mood but when I become as much I plan on putting up some more members pictures. If you don't have your picture up please tell us and we'll get it up. If you have art as well, please give it to us and we'll put that up to, as well as animations or anything else related to your character. If you have just animations or anything else in general anime or digimon reference send it to us to put under the GIF section. I plan on at some point having information on each character set up...I already have most people's information but I'll be putting it up in my own words at some point. The important part of the site: The Boards is up and that's all that really matters all the rest is just for fun.
One small announcement for now: The first winner of our First Season Quiz was Kayla. I have to give her an award, that or Morgan has already taken care of it. We have several different kinds of awards...but I'm too lazy to display them right now so basically it's a nill day so NEH!!!!

April 8, 2003
Yay, more people. ^-^ Well we have a quiz up and I'll get the rest up shortly. Ther will be 5 one for each season and one on the digimon mb. I'd say more but I'm at school. I am SUPPOSED to get my laptop back today so if I do I'll be playing around all day having fun. Buwahahahhahaha
Oh, we have an evil sign up...remember we CAN reject you from playing a bad guy..we need a GOOD bad guy...if that makes sense...

April 5, 2003
Well, we have several new members and people are posting on the board, already getting a bit of a plot going! BUWAHAHAHAHAHA, soon we shall have all your minds sucked into a vortex of digimon of which no one shall return!!!
On a lighter note, we will be getting the quizes up very quickly and you can win shiny badges for answering them.

April 4, 2003
THE SITE IS UP WHOOO HOOO...yes, i'm still running it. But my beautiful moderators are those three girl heads you see up at the top...yep they have no other parts of their body but their heads...j/k.
From left to right introducing *dramatic music* On the left is the beautiful Krys, she's 16 has multi-colored hair and blue eyes is currently in a long term relation ship with Darin Haye- I mean Nieuwendorp and she likes to take long luxerious baths, ladies and gentlemen Krys!
Next up is the delicious Dani! Dani is a 16 year old naturally blonde haired girl who currently has it dark with blue eyes, gentlemen, she's single and looking! Give it up for Dani!!
Last, but certainly not least is Nell! Nell is a saultry 16 year old lass with green eyes and wild brown curly hair. She's a hottie, she's single but sorry folks she's not looking. Round of applause for Nell!
...oh yeah updates...message boards are up and the form to join the site. enjoi.

Updated By: Da Vis

All content is Copyright to Da Vis & M-Jade 2003. Please do not repoduce anything off this site without proper permisson. All graphics and layout copyright Anime Unleashed Aka Max. No altering of the HTML should take place.



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