Special MidEast Session

Diana Speaks on the Middle East- Israel and Palestine March 20, 2006

M: Diana, I am here at the ready to hear you. My apologies for being a bit late.

D: Dearest Darling that is quite all right as you as well as others need a break now and then and I know how discouraged you feel personally as well about the situation in Iraq which grows bleaker every day. I know you and many others are counting on my solutions and I am afraid that much of what I tell you may sound very familiar whilst at the same time you are aware that I can’t wave a magic wand and make it better. Let me state that I do not have total control over how my messages are received by the public you do reach on your radio show, and furthermore these messages do need to be seen by some of the top diplomats as we did in the past. That part of your history and mine is crucial to give your audience an idea of the magnitude of our work together you and I to end terror once and for all for the human race and in particular in the Middle East.

That being said I must digress for a moment to say this much; Marcia very much did her part when I asked her in the slience of meditation some five years or more ago to reach the very top diplomats with my words. These same diplomats greatly appreciated Marcia’s tireless efforts to help her country without thought for personal rewards, and she has sent on terrorist warnings quite regularly and even we feel prevented terror upon your great country the USA. But whilst Marcia has faithfully delivered the message of diplomacy of mine, that being that the United States needed to help the Palestinians and Israeli’s come to a peaceful solution with the two states, which your President agreed to do, this administration has failed to deliver on that promise; for a wide variety of reasons many of which are beyond their personal power to control.

So whilst it is true that this administration heard my messages indirectly thought the tireless efforts of my messenger Marcia, they have been hampered by outside forces now at play in the Gaza strip and elsewhere in the occupied territory of the Palestinian lands.

If every American could but hear Marcia’s great message there is still time to prevent an other terrorist attack upon your country! What I mean to say is that creating the Palestinian state is vital to your country’s security! And whilst many diplomats the world over give lip service to this idea I have witnessed in spirit what a world you may have when this one extreme gesture of justice will be extended to those people who were put off their lands. ( Meaning Palestine)

M: Diana, thank you for your clarity here. Can you address at all the situation that is worsening for the Palestinians as we speak regarding both Hammas and the humanitarian crisis that is growing in the territories due to hunger and disease and death?

D: I will of course do my best. It is very unfortunate indeed that the western nations who used to provide much aid in the way of food through UNICEFF and other recourses have found that their disagreements with the organization Hammas has closed their food supply to the helpless Palestinians. Whilst I can understand why these nations hate Hammas, and their terrible deeds of violence really the only people suffering now are the women and children who are dying of hunger. That as a humanitarian which I am; I am asking this stop immediately and that some form of food relief be allowed to continue through other channels other than Hammas, say the old PLO. We commend the work of Prime Minister Abbas during his tenure as PM, and we are saddened to see a man of peace like this go; and we know he worked hard to forge a collalition government with Hammas but Hammas will not negociate with him or other moderate positions. He was our great chance for change and for the Road Map to succeed. I am afraid that Palestine will not come to be with out moderate leadership as the US will abandon diplomatic ties with the organization Hammas due to their extremist rhetoric and their crimes of suicide bombs. This is indeed an impediment to peace and we encourage our diplomatic core of the US and Britain to please open diplomatic channels with this group or their representatives so that this unending suffering of the Palestinian people and those of the Israelis as well may come to an end.

M: I agree but have no power to even get this message heard in my country much less by diplomats who may use your words Diana. Unless you are asking me to reach them again with your words?

D: Well it certainly couldn’t hurt but we want you totally safe as things are becoming much more polarized by those in power with eaves dropping and very invasive eavesdropping on innocent civilians. My advice is to reach Dr. Rice through her website and see what becomes of that. I also suggest a book be sent to her and she again be reminded of your fine work for your country and for all countries really. I am continuing to shine my love and solutions for the Middle East there in the heart of the matter. You in physical manifestation must all do your part to see that there is a Palestinian State living in peace along side Israel to end the fomenting violence the world over in the Muslim communities. I bless you all and beseech you, create Palestine before it is too late for your beautiful country! My love in a troubled time, Diana, Princess of Peace for the nations.