WEEK 1 OCTOBER 24th Spartak vs. Riccochet

It was evident that this was the first game of the year for both teams as they had trouble finding their scoring touch. Riccochet opened up an early lead and at half-time was ahead 7-5. In the second half Spartak took the play to Riccochet and had a two goal lead with only a few minutes remaining. To Riccochet's credit they battled back and the game ended in a tie at 16. National team member and Riccochet goaltender Larry Hosegood had a strong game frustrating the Spartak offence which created many chances, but could not finish. Spartak missed the shooting of Jade Young who was serving a suspension carried over from last years playoffs. Steve Sawatzky scored a game high four goals, Kris Kendall chipped in with three. After the game player-coach Jade Young offered these words of wisdom to his players who were frustrated with the tie: "Don't worry guys, we're still undefeated."

WEEK 2 OCTOBER 31 Spartak vs. Phoenix

Saturday night's Hallowe'en festivities left Spartak with a decided disadvantage heading into this past weekend's contest. However, thanks to the extra hour of sleep provided by daylight savings time, the team rose to the occasion and defeated Phoenix 25-17. Spartak struggled early and the score was close until just after half time. Eventually, Spartak's defence picked up the pace and created goal after goal on the fast break. Past President Ward Hrabi scored a game high seven vintage style goals. Norm Taylor chipped in with four goals for Phoenix. Spartak high scorers were wingers Kris Kendall and Steve Sawatzky with six apiece and Jade Young with four. Also of note was the return of Kenny Anyadike to the lineup. The loan came through! Player-coach Jade Young commented after the game; "I know we had a bunch of guys out pissing it up last night, but what else is new, at least we won." Next Sunday Spartak takes on league champion Northern Heat in a rematch of last years final (11:00 am Red River Community College). Should be a doozy!

WEEK 3 NOVEMBER 7 Spartak vs. Northern Heat

This past Sunday was a big day for Spartak as they knocked off defending league champions Northern Heat (perhaps more appropriately named Northern Orange). Spartak has now played every team in the league and is the only remaining undefeated team. Player coach Jade Young was happy to get the win, but not overly impressed with the team's play. "We have trouble scoring on uncoordinated goalie's," said Jade. The game was tight until the last 10 minutes when Spartak opened up a four goal lead. Captain Kris Kendall called a timeout with only minutes remaining and instructed the team to play conservatively and try to preserve the four goal margin. Spartak's "two minute drill" flopped as the Heat ended up scoring two quick goals to leave the final score 22-20. Roy Duquette scored a game high 5 goals for Northern Heat. Spartak high scorers were Carlisle Wright, Larry Curtaz and Steve Sawatzky with four goals apiece. Northern Heat director of player personnel T-Nott commented after the game; "If I would have been playing we'd have only lost by one." Spartak has a well earned bye this coming weekend. Their next game will be against second place Riccochet.

WEEK 5 NOVEMBER 21 Spartak vs. Riccochet

Spartak's dream of an undefeated season came crashing down around them this past Sunday. In a rematch of their season opening draw, Riccochet defeated Spartak 20-17. As was the case in their first game, Spartak was continually frustrated by goalie Larry Hosegood who made save after save including a number of key penalty shots. Spartak also demonstrated an acute case of fumbalitis, as many balls were dropped, thrown away and generally turned over. Jade Young led Spartak scorers with five goals, suprisingly sober Aedan McCarron chipped in with four. In a rare display of silence, Player coach Jade Young declined comment after the game.

Notes: Right back Larry Curtaz did not play due to an injured knee. Goalie Keith Ginther was ejected from the game by referee and Past President Ward Hrabi. Keith will miss the next two games due to suspension

WEEK 6 NOVEMBER 28 Spartak VS. Phoenix

This past weekend Spartak rebounded from their previous loss to defeat Phoenix 23-16. The first half saw Spartak jump out to a commanding lead. Phoenix appeared frustrated as they struggled to get their patented "three pivot" offence on track. During the second half Phoenix began to creep back into the game led by Past President Ward Hrabi and his game high seven "vintage" style goals. However, it was a case of too little too late for the Phoenix as Spartak coasted to a relatively easy victory. To add insult to injury, goalie Dave Fortier scored a goal from his own net as Phoenix goalie Clint Sennebald had ventured out of his goal to play the fast break pass. Spartak high scorers were Jade Young, Val Medved and Carlisle Wright who had four goals each. At the post game lunch Player-Coach Jade Young had these strange comments: "owww...my legs, help me guys, what do I do....aaarrgghhh....." etc. etc.

WEEK 8 DECEMBER 4 Spartak vs. Northern Heat

Inspired by the addition of a new member to the family, Spartak came through to beat Northern Orange by a score of 25-20. The new member to which I am referring is Xavier Tyson Curtaz, son of Larry and Shannon. CONGRATULATIONS!! He was born of Thursday December 2nd, which prompted a Spartak celebration including lots of booze and cigars. Xavier attended the game on Saturday and seemed to enjoy himself. Meanwhile, on the court, Spartak lit up Northern Heat like a Christmas Tree. At one crucial point in the game the Heat had a two man advantage during which Spartak outscored them 3-0! Northern Orange director of player personnel T-Nott was flabbergasted. "Too much speed...too much speed...", was all that he could say. The Spartak offence was led by second time sober Aedan McCarron who pumped in a season high eight goals. Wingers Kris Kendall and Steve Sawatzky scored five and four respectively. KEY STAT: Playing sober, Aedan McCarron has averaged 6 goals a game. Not so sober, he's averaged two or three. Does anyone see a correlation here? Maybe Mr. McCarron should do something more constructive with his time. Ha!

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