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Pterelas Plastic Ponies

model o/b Jaci Hibbert.

Welcome to Pterelas Plastic Ponies!!

Please note most pictures on these pictures are of direct body scans, which tends to distort the model's proportions. They are described as well as possible, despite their less than ideal photos... Many, many of these models are shown BEFORE they were finished, models are always fully completed before they are shipped out! Real photos, or links to real photos are included where they exist!

Lots to do here, I currently have direct body scans of alot of repainted stablemates, a page for my best OF horses pictures, a sire/dam list of sorts, and a page for other stuff, like horsey pictures and pics of the zoo over here...

These pages are very picture-intensive, and as such, may take a while to load.


New pages out of the "Loop"!

Historical (hysterical?) Paint jobs by Pterelas!

Pictures of the SM Rare Palomino Arab stallion

Where to from Here?

Custom Repainting page!
Stablemates Gallery!
OF Breyer Show photos!
Links Page!
Sales/Want lists!
Other Neat Stuff!

Pterelas Paints and Appies-the old page!
Pterelas Solid Colors-the old page!

This page created October 12, 1998

Email Me!