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March Mommies Due Date Buddies

This page is dedicated to a special group of women who became friends over the internet because we were expecting babies due on March 11th, 1999. We came together at and have been friends ever since. Some of our due dates changed, and we all delivered at different times, but we still shared a common bond. We've been corresponding throughout our pregnancies, and shared the everyday experiences of our lives. And we continue to share the joys and troubles of parenthood.

Our babies are now a year old, and we are still sharing the joys and challenges of raising babies... er, toddlers! First Birthday pictures will be posted as soon as they are available. So please visit our pages for updates!

Announcing the birth of...

Shannon Carroll (carrolld)
Ryan Thomas (berthalyn)
Julia Mae (kkit)
Braeden Mark (shanstwins)
Daelan Christopher (angelosgirl)
Elizabeth Ann (lorivi)
Adam Joseph (lara)
Patrick Michael (hollydog)
Sarah (kate0311)


March 99 Playgroup
Last March 99 Expecting Board -- links to birth stories