Martin's Final Fantasy VIII page


Here's a list of all the different types of magic in Final Fantasy 8, and what each one does.

There are 49 magic spells for FF8, which you can get one of three ways:

1) Having a person with "Draw" equipped; draw it from a Draw Point.

2) Having a person with "Draw" equipped; draw it from an enemy (bosses included)

3) Refining it from an item, using one of the various abilities learned by GF's

Here is the complete list of the 49 spells, and a brief description of each.

Flare: Powerful non-elemental damage against a single opponent

Blizzard: Low-level ice damage against a single opponent.

Blizzara: Mid-level ice damage against a single opponent.

Blizzaga: High-level ice damage against a single opponent.

Meteor: A meteor shower lands on the enemy (or enemies), spreading ten meteors between the opponents and pounding into them for good-sized damage each time.

Dispel: elminates magic status (ex: Reflect, Double, Regen, Aura, etc.) IT DOES NOT ELIMINATE STATUS AILMENTS. Only Magic status status, like those listed above.

Bio: Inflicts poison-based damage on a single opponent, and has a chance of poisoning the opponent for remainder of battle or until treated.

Pain: Inflicts the Poison, Silence, and Blind status ailements on a single character.

Silence: Eliminates the use of the Draw, Magic, and GF commands.

Sleep: Character falls asleep. Time bar does not move, and commands cannot be entered, until the character awakens.

Ultima: the ultimate magic. A huge explosion of green magic cause tremendous damage to all opponents. The best when it comes to junctioning magic.

Fire: Low level fire attack against a single opponent

Fira: Medium-level fire attack against a single opponent.

Firaga: High-level fire attack against a single opponent.

Float: Character floats in the air for a short period of time. Makes them immune to earth-based attacks (ex: Quake)

Life: Bring a KO'ed character back to life, restoring a small portion of their HP.

Full-Life: Bring a KO'ed character back to life, fully restoring status and HP.

Holy: Holy-Based damage against a single opponent. Fairly powerful.

Demi: Gravity-based damage against a single opponent: reduces their HP to 3/4 (in other words, taking away 1/4 of their HP, to a maximum of 9999). A large amount of opponents don't take gravity damage (it says miss), but if you find one that does, use it. It will cripple their HP badly. Rarely works against bosses.

Thunder: Low-level lightning damage against a single opponent.

Thundara: mid-level lightning damage against a single opponent.

Thundaga: High-level lightning damage against a single opponent.

Aero: Wind based damage against a single opponent.

Tornado: Wind based damage against all opponents (think of it as Aero 2, and even more powerful)

Shell: Pink barrier of energy surrounds a single characters, reducing magic attacks against him/her by approx. one-half (similar to MBarrier from FF7)

Protect: Blue shield becomes created in front of a character, reducing physical attacks against him/her by approx. one-half (similar to Barrier from FF7)

Aura: Yellow energy radiates from the character, allowing limit breaks to be used almost every turn that Aura remains.

Break: Opponent becomes envelopped in rock, with the chance of being petrified.

Death: Instant death against a single opponent(rarely works, though)

Cure: Low-level healing to a single character

Cura: Mid-level healing to a single character

Curaga: High-level healing to a single character

Confuse: Cause confused character to enter random commands and perform random actions.

Esuna: Heals all status ailments on a single character.

Quake: Big earth-based damage against all opponents. Does not affect flying opponents.

Haste: Speed of the time bar is augmented for a single character.

Slow: Speed of the time bar is decreased for a single character.

Stop: Time bar stops completely, and no commands can be entered.

Zombie: Used on a single character; curative magic damages the character's HP.

Double: allows the use of two magic spells instead of one.

Triple: allows the use of three magic spells instead of one.

Drain: a small amount of HP is "drained" from the opponent and given to the caster of the spell.

Berserk: Commands can not be entered by the designated character, who continuously attacks an opponent. Damage done is augmented as well.

Blind: Character's hit percentage decreases drastically.

Regen: HP returns in small amounts, and in short intervals.

Reflect: All magic spells casted on a character with reflect are deflected back onto themselves, or a fellow teammates/monster (ex: A casts the spell on B, who has reflect on himself. The magic spell is either deflected back to A, or a teammate of A)

Scan: Scans a single enemy. Tell you their base HP, their current HP, and their strengths and weaknesses against certain elemental attacks.

Water: A large ball of water drops on a single enemy for water-based damage.

Meltdown: One of the most useful magic spells of FF8. Does a good-sized amount of non-elemental damage against a single opponent, and reduces the opponent's Vitality to 0. Very useful against bosses and high-HP opponents.

Remember, draw and stock magic often! Magic spells are essential to the game for healing, damage, and junctioning to certain stats. Return to main page