visceral solstice

breathing silence, awaking to a dream comatose and diligent, in search for the fleeting path to sleep toiling like a mortal for but the slightest divinity left the modern world behind for i致e but no other way to find the alien within my heart reflected in the distant stars a countenance to prove that i really am human but when i look in the mirror all i see is time in bloom and though it shall forever seem impossible that i could be more perfect in abating my own flaws and though it shall forever seem implausible for one not to contradict oneself to deny his humanity one must live it to live humanity one must accept it until the memory of life has long-since been washed out with the tides eroded with the sands of reality the autumn of a cold sun the winter of a new birth lost in the wake of a transient adolescent mirth come spring communal, in a bright array of emerald parade separating old from new, past from future, me from you and now that i am alone for the first time i understand that i知 really not a product of evolution after all i知 never truly changing i知 merely aging i知 never truly waking i知 merely fading in the light of all existence i致e found that my soul is never truly changing i知 just growing old

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