
at least your pretense would have been somewhat forgivable had i ever noticed that you would sooner let your codependent boyfriends fuck you in the ass before the thought of me even crossed your mind that my presence most often went unwelcomed or barely acknowledged but i guess you could say i was wrapped around you like a sandy beach towel and i was fairly abrasive to the touch when it was agreed that we would never date after that kiss with tongue tasted kind of salty or sour or something to make you turn your back on me the way you do now. i really must apologize for never going to church with you because it ruined a world of possibilities we might have shared, and my faithless hell spit in your face every time i opened my mouth to say i love you, or whisper some shallow feeling which you never understood because your heart beats like a machine. i told you that none of this, you, me, our mutual friends and their biblical references, was worth dying for but you let yourself be brainwashed by the scary old people who wear crowns and pretend they are spiritual. last week you brought the hatchet down and implied that we should never speak again; our words were awkward, changed unsentimental and meaningless and supposedly that is enough to make me expendable in your eyes, being someone who could show you what it means to rape freedom with a stick, and laugh in the face of the judge, the jury and the executioner behind every confession you make. all you had to do was shut your fucking mouth and let me believe that you were a living human being, at least my silence would have then been a little less permanent. i will forever hear the truth echoing your heartless gutless, and disgusting values of friendship, you find human beings like myself uncomfortable and temperamental and a waste of decent conversation, but all this time while i watched your ugly mouth move i was thinking about crucifying myself later this afternoon, after having your tumors removed from my prostate. in a minute i’ve got an appointment with a cavernous vagina, one that could never fuck me over any worse; she’s taking me to the dentist to have all my teeth pulled, sans anesthesia. now if you’ll excuse me, miss, your recitals bore me to tears and the whore is still waiting at the bus stop.

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