"YOU" AUTHOR: Kathy EMAIL ADDRESS: SADanaMldr@aol.com ARCHIVE: Anywhere, please keep my name and address attached and let me know where. SPOILER WARNING: Just be aware of Mythology plot line RATING: PG-13 langauge CLASSIFICATION: MSR; Vignette SUMMARY: None DISCLAIMER: Fox Mulder, Dana Scully and Samantha Mulder belong to CHRIS CARTER, TEN THIRTEEN PRODUCTIONS, and FOX TELEVISION... AUTHOR'S NOTE: Really short, pretty typical... it might just give you a shippy rush... if that's what you need. "YOU" by Kathy I'm staring again. I hope to God she keeps her head buried in that case file. She's so beautiful it hurts to look at her sometimes. But that's a pain I want to endure for the rest of my life, godwilling. I love her, ya know. I love her and she doesn't even know it. One day, I will tell her. Tell her that she's the air I breathe... the .. I know it's corny, but she's the light of my life. And if you you knew me you'd know that was a pretty big thing. "Scully..." I say wordlessly... Why the hell am I so screwed up? Great... she caught me... damn... "Mulder?" "Hmm?" "What are you staring at?" I take a jittery breath and blindly answer my truth, "You..." I know I must look like the proverbial deer in the head lights right about now. What made me decide at this moment to break my trend of denial? "Wha... Why? I mean do I look funny or something?" Dana Scully caught off guard is an intresting sight to behold, to say the least. She looks away, not meeting my eyes, her face is slightly flushed , she practically fidgetting in her chair... It's so endearing I have to force myself not to rush over and pull her into my arms... Boy, am I a sap... "Funny, no, Scully..." I want to finish, I have to. Something has taken hold of my senses, logical or illogical as the maybe. "Then, what?" Her voice has regain much of that lost control, but she still refuses to meet my eyes. Oh, boy, I'm gonna tell her. Breathe man, breathe... "It's...uh... you're just... I mean..." Her embarassment has momentarily faded, seemingly, and now she is up out of her chair and in front of my desk. "What is it, Mulder?" she asks worriedly. "I..." Say it... SAY IT! "I just think that you're, uh, very ... that you're nice to look at..." Real smooth, Mulder. "Oh..." she's struck, speechless... that's a first. She's sunk down into the chair across from my desk. I stand up on shaky legs, venturing over to my mutely rendered partner, who's all of a sudden found her right thumb nail a most fascinating object of study. I kneel down next to her... God I can't begin to understand how or why someone can feel so much love, so much emotion, for another human being. I pull her hand away from her, with the intent to remove her primary focus and shift it elsewhere. But, I can't resist the urge... I kiss it ever so gently, right on her beautiful soft skin right above her knuckles. Even her hands smell like sunshine. I look up at her, pleading I know is evident in my face. I need you Scully... like a heartbeat. "You're beautiful..." I whisper to her. She breathes in sharply, choking back what sounds like an eminant sob and finally turns to look at me. "Mulder... I... don't know what to say..." "It's okay you don't have to say..." I pull away, feel like such a moron. She doesn't want me... She probably just feels sorry for me, she's feeling bad because she has to let me down easy... what the hell is wrong with me anyway? What makes me think we could...? "No!" She grabs my hand, this time I feel a sweet tingling sensation from the mere contact. My heart is in my throat. I wait for her to speak. "C'mere," low and husky? Scully, is that you...? Are my eyes bugging out of my head yet? A slow smile spreads across my face, I feel like I'm floating. I have to have her in my arms. I kneel down again and pull her from the chair. Before I pull her close, I watch her once more... kneeling in front of me... I can see her eyes... Oh yeah this is a much better view. That blue, it's mesmerizing... "hmm..." I sigh gratefully. My Dana, my love... my universe... I slowly reach my arms out toward her. I lay my hands on her shoulders, caressing them slightly through the fabric. Suddenly I feel her hands on me... one in my hair, the other on my neck. I pull her closer... oh god... We're gonna kiss aren't we? I slip my eyes shut for the briefest of moments. And when I open them, there she is right in front of me, so close... All of a sudden I remember a hallway and a bee...really my hallway and *my* bee... I don't know why I do this to her. Everything that's ever hurt her I've been the cause... I... Before I could finish my Mulder bashing, her lips have brushed mine. I gasp... fire.. That's the only way to describe this. I need more. I lean foward, into her lips... Ohh, heaven.. pure unadulterated heaven! We are lost, taken over by the heat of our new found union. I could kiss you forever, Scully. Whoa, when did she get in my lap? Mmm... I don't care... Our tounges are dancing, hot and heavy... My heart is so big in my chest I feel like I'm gonna explode. Oh, this feels so right... I feel the softly shed tears cascading from the corners of my eyes. I stop her, I need to look at her face, again. As I hold her there, her soft cheeks beneath my hands, I realize that this is the moment I've been waiting for all my life... the moment when I found love... She whispers so softly I can barely hear, "I love you, Mulder..." "I..." Shit! I can't talk, I just conitnue to stoke the skin behind her ear softly, "I... Sc..Da..." "Shhh..." Is all she says, as she places a finger to my lips, "Shh..." She traces the circumfrance of my mouth and I end it with a kiss to the tip of said digit. "I lo..ve...love you too, Scully," I said it! YES! "Well?" she says. "Wh..what?" I'm nervous, what's that look for? "Are you gonna kiss me again, or do I have to go find Skinner and get him to finish the job?" she raise her eyebrow, adding a small smile to her lips... OH GOD! DOES SHE HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT THAT LOOK DOES TO ME?! I think she's about to find out... THE END SADanaMldr@aol.com