WISH UPON A STAR II- YOUR HEART'S DESIRE AUTHOR: Kathy EMAIL ADDRESS: SADanaMldr@aol.com ARCHIVE: Anywhere, please keep my name and address attached and let me know where. SPOILER WARNING: EMILY, minor reference to HOST RATING: PG-13; R for 1 section CLASSIFICATION: MSR SUMMARY: Mulder and Scully go on vacation to LA... DISCLAIMER: Fox Mulder and Dana Scully belong to CHRIS CARTER, TEN THIRTEEN PRODUCTIONS, and FOX TELEVISION... Hotels and other establishments referred to are meant only for realistic value, I am in no way discrediting or slandering... so please don't sue me! WISH UPON A STAR 2 : YOUR HEART'S DESIRE (3/3) UCLA MEDICAL CENTER 10:05PM "Is the patient awake yet?" Mulder walked in to Scully's hospital room. The inguries were not severe, but they were keeping her over night, just in case. Mulder on the other hand was fit as a fiddle. "Mulder, I was so scared when...they wouldn't tell me where you were." "I'm sorry, I..uh.. went to get you these." Mulder pulled from behind his back the most exquiste boquet of red roses she had ever seen. "Oh, Mulder... they're beautiful!" "A promise is a promise." Scully gushed over her gift. "I don't deserve you." "Well that's certainly a debatable issue." She swatted him on the shoulder playfully. "I wish we could just go back to the hotel, Mulder. I feel fine." "It's only one night then, back to fun in the California sun!" Mulder leaned over and gave her a little kiss. "Thank you Mulder." "You think that's all I have up my sleeve, huh? Wait here." Scully was by now laughing at Mulder's jovial attitude, "And, where pray tell would I go?" "Be right back." *************************************************** 10 Minutes Later... Mulder was trying to force his way through the door with what looked like... a cart of food? "Mulder," Scully giggled, "What are doing?" "What is it look like..." Finally, a nurse came to help him with the door. "Now, remember what I said no candles..." "Yeah, yeah I know. Thanks again." The nurse smiled, thinking how romantic this man was, that was why she'd helped him. Normally she wouldn't have stood for such shenanigans, but this was different... this was special. She could tell. She quietly closed the door behind herself to leave them alone. "Mulder, this is... you've done it again." "This is to make up for the fight we had earlier, Scully." Mulder said sitting on the corner of the bed. "Well if this is what I get after a fight now, I think I'll start to pick a couple a day." "Don't you do that already?" She poked him softly in the ribs. "Sorry, sorry..." "So what's for dinner?" Mulder extracted himself from the bed excitedly, venturing toward the tray. He wheeled it closer, making sure that she could see everything. "TA DA!!" "Barbecue ribs?" Mulder blushed, dipping his eyes for a moment, then shyly raising them to meet her own. "Uh, yeah...I uh, looked all over town for just the right thing... I wanted it to be..." he cleared his throat. "...to be romantic. I was gonna get you Italian... but I was driving by Tony Roma's and I had this... well a flashback to when, we were in Wisconsin and I took you to that little rib joint..." "I remember, Mulder... that was very sweet of you." Seemingly recovered from his embarrassment, be continued on. "But you didn't see the onion rings Scully, a full loaf! " He could feel his mouth beginning to water. And of course..." He pulled out a bottle a champagne bottle. "I know you can't drink champagne, right now, Scully so I got you the next best thing...apple cider!" "Mulder you're too much." "Don't you like it?" Scully moved the flowers she'd still been clutching to her left side, and rubbed her hand on a little spot to her right, telling him with her eyes that she wanted him next to her. He lowered himself down into said spot, causing the weight of the bed to slightly shift. "I love it, Mulder." She pulled his head down to meet hers, stealing a passion felt kiss from his lips. "You got any ginger ale in that bucket of yours?" she whispered as their lips finally separated. "As a matter of fact..." he mumbled. "MMmmm!" For that she kissed him even longer and harder. Taking a much need, but less desired breath of air, Mulder turned to the window and stared for a moment. Scully did the same. "Can't see many stars around here." "No, but I can still see a few..." He stood up and walked over to the window. "Did you ever make a wish upon a star, Scully?" "Yeah, almost every night when I was about eight years old... Did you?" "After Sam was taken... I lost my faith in wishes... but when you were gone, when Duane Barry left you in that field. I wished on every star in the sky that night that you'd come back to me." "And, it worked," she whispered. He smiled and turned, "Let's make a wish... can you see anything from there?" She nodded in affirmation. He returned to her side and held her hand... Scully began... "Star light, star bright..." and Mulder joined in as they each made their wishes in silence. ************************************************************************ 1:01AM SCULLY'S HOSPITAL ROOM Mulder had charmed himself once again into the graces of the next on duty nurses. He would be allowed to stay if he was quiet and stayed in Scully's room. He definitely didn't see a problem with that. So after dinner and a lot of touching and kissing and loving, Mulder insisted that Scully get her rest. Resting with his head against the wall and his chair facing parallel to Scully's bed, he tried to catch a few Z's himself. And, it had actually been working for about twenty minutes... "Mr. Mulder... Mr. Mulder..." jumping slightly at the voice he thought he'd heard, Mulder squinted in the partial darkness of the room. "Mr. Mulder, I've come to help you." Mulder swallowed hard, his throat becoming dry... "Who are you?" "You know who I am, Mr. Mulder. " Mulder stood up and in front of Scully's bed, prepared to protect her. The unknown intruder slowly stepped into the light, beaming from the window. "You're supposed to be dead...I saw you..." "Not everything's as it seems." "What do you want?" "I have a proposition for you... would you care to step outside for a moment." Mulder turned to look at Scully. The agony in his expression, was more than evident. The old gentleman slowly approached him laying a sympathetic hand on his shoulder. "She'll be alright." Mulder nodded slowly, before reaching for Scully's hand and squeezing it gently. He had to lean down to reassure her (was it himself?), even though he knew she couldn't hear him, "I'll be right outside, okay?" He reluctantly released her hand, and followed the man he knew as the Well Manicured Man out into the hallway. "What is this about? And how did you know we were here?" "There are eyes and ears everywhere, but none of that matters at the moment." "Why are you here?" "I've come to offer you a proposition." "I've heard this song a dance before, I don't need this." Mulder prepared to re-enter the room... "Wait!" the old man whispered with harsh command. "Why should I?" "I did not go through all of this trouble to have you ignore me." "What do you mean all this trouble?" "Did you do this?! Did you hurt Scully?! She could've been killed!!" "Lower you're voice, please. I had no intention of hurting either Agent Scully or you. She's only being forced to stay over night, because that is how I have arranged it. She has nothing more than a bruise and a few minor cuts." "I don't like being toyed with, and I don't like to see Scully hurt at all I don't care if it's just a *little* cut!" "Please calm down, and listen to me." "Fine." "There is a girl... a child. We've decided to make a trade." "What the hell are you talking about?" "The child is Agent Scully's daughter." Mulder's mouth dropped open, the words he wanted to speak, failed to come through. "She is not like the other... she is like many, but no one is like her." He paused for a significant amount of time. "I'm waiting..." "The child you and Agent Scully knew as Emily was an alien human hybrid as you know..." Mulder nodded his head impatiently, bating him to continue. "She was one of many...cloned, but she was not the original." "What are you saying?" "The real girl, she is one hundred percent human... created with Miss Scully's ova along with another man's sperm... She has been used since birth as one of many test subjects..." "For the black oil?" "Among other things, yes." "You sick bastards..."Mulder whispered, agonizingly playing the possible images of what they had done to Scully's child. Clearing his mind and his throat in succession, he asked, "You said you had a deal." "Yes, the deal that my associates, who are now few and far between after the recent "massacre", the deal they propose is we give you and Miss Scully back her daughter, and you give up the X-Files." For Mulder this was a no brainer, he had to give Scully what she thought was lost forever. But, the sadness covered him like a blanket of lost hope..."And my search for Samantha..." "What they want is time... discretion, so they can overcome...We are that close, Mr. Mulder." "And I'm in the way..." "That's what they think..." "But?" "But, I know you Mr. Mulder you are an asset to us all... I can help you to have your cake and eat it too, so to speak." "Why should I trust you?" "You have no choice... You and Agent Scully will have your choice of field offices in which you may transfer. You make choose any department, with in reason, in which to work. Or you may choose the more lucrative alternative, drive away.. go and once you get to where you are going, I will find you." "And how can I have my cake and eat it too?" Mulder spat sarcastically. "I will allow you access to much more information than you've been ever been privileged. I will also, contact you from time to time with more, I expect you to be who your father wanted you to be. But, you must most of all be discreet, and I promise to keep Miss Scully and the child safe. You must go underground with this. Understand? There is no other way." "How can you promise that they'll stay safe?" "My power has grown exceedingly in the recent months, all I want is for mankind to prevail. Resistance is anything, but futile." "Where is the girl?" "Somewhere safe." "How do I know she's not another clone?" "You'll know." Mulder stared at the man in disbelief. How could he not be dead? Is this really happening? Could Scully finally find her chance to be completely happy? "When do we see her?" "I will bring her to you tomorrow night..." The man went on for the next twenty minutes, going over everything he could about the details of their plan and about the little girl herself. Where she'd been, how she'd been raised. Her lack of much social interaction, but all and all, a pretty normal healthy little girl. All Mulder could think of was that his wish for Scully had actually come true. ************************************************************** CENTURY PLAZA HOTEL Suite 607 12:15PM Back to the relaxing confines of their hotel room, the two FBI agents had spoken little to each other since their romantic interlude on the previous night. This had nothing to do with tension and there hadn't been another fight. It was just that Mulder was afraid to talk. He didn't know how or when he should tell Scully about this so-called 'deal'. It helped that Scully seemed too tired on the ride back from the hospital to do much talking. Now she was relaxing gratefully in the whirlpool hot tub in her bathroom. Mulder had collapsed on her bed, head squeezed between his hands, as soon as she disappeared into the bathroom. ***************************************************************** 12:42PM Scully emerged from the steamy mist of the bathroom and into the semi-cool air of her room. She tied the belt of the white terry cloth robe, the hotel had provided, tightly. Mulder was sprawled over her bed, head practically hanging off the side. She walked over to him, stopping for a moment to stare down at his face. She kneeled down and brushed her finger across his forehead, then down his cheek. "Mulder...? Mulder?" "Hmm??" "Turn over...put your head on the pillow." "Hmm?" "The pillow..." She nudged him for a while, until he subconsciously got the hint and cooperated. ********************************************************************** WARNING... SEXUAL THEMES... Wouldn't call it an NC-17 scene, but it is defanitely an R!! 3:07PM "Whatcha watchin'" the sleepy voice came almost parallel to the kiss she received below her earlobe. "Mmm...I thought you were asleep." "Why would I do that when I could be out here with you?" He came around the side of the couch and slid in next to her on the sofa. She climbed up into his lap and sighed a deep contented sigh. Scully began nuzzling his neck, rubbing her nose against the warm base of his throat. "Uhhhh..." She began nibbling and licking him right beneath his earlobe. She straddled him and took his face in her hands. He was falling under her spell... falling into her eyes... "Dana..." he whispered. She parted her lips in preparation for the kiss she was ready to inflict. Oh and what a kiss that was. If they thought they felt fire works before, this was an explosion! Scully pressed her pelvis into his, causing them both to moan into each other's mouths. Her hands were in his hair massaging, caressing. He held her to him never wanting to let go. He dipped his head to her neck this time, licking and nipping at it from behind. Suddenly he stopped, tensing. "Mulder, what is it what's wrong?" "This isn't how I pictured... Scully we can't... " "Yes we can, Mulder... you've given me everything romantically possible, except one thing..." she said her voice dropping to a husky whisper. She felt him growing harder beneath her. "I thought you'd see it my way..." she teased. "I love you, Scully." "I love you too, Mulder..." she mumbled upon his lips, then planting a big sloppy kiss in its place. Sitting up she lifted her t-shirt up and over her head. Revealing a simple satin navy blue bra. Mulder's breath was increasing rapidly. "You wanna take it off or shall, I?" "Uh...you do it... I wanna see you do it..." "Beautiful..." he sighed, as he felt the tears erupting beneath his eyelids. "So... damn, beautiful." In a moment his hands were filled with ecstacy. And with that tiny piece of fabric discarded, crumbled the remaining emotional wall that stood between Fox Mulder and Dana Scully. ********************************************************************** SEE THAT WASN'T SO BAD-K, BACK TO PG-13 ********************************************************************** 6:38PM Scully stirred in the already awakened Mulder's protective embrace. "Mmmm..." she snuggled up closer to him, grinning from ear to ear. "You awake, baby?" "Mmm-hmm..." "Good." "Mulder?" "Yeah?" "Thanks for makin' my wish come true." He felt his heart swell... this beautiful incredible woman, actually loved him. He caressed her bare back with gentle soothing motions. He barely had an hour left. "So... you wanna go for number four?" she chuckled. He was silent a bit longer than she thought acceptable. Scully's heart was suddenly gripped with panic... "Mulder?" she asked shakily. "What's wrong? Are you having second thoughts about us?" "Oh my God, no. How could you think something like that, sweet heart? I love you more than anything." He gathered her close and planted a kiss on the top of her head. "Then, what is it Mulder? I know something is wrong." "Well, I wouldn't call it wrong per se... but there's something I need to tell you..." ******************************************************************** 7:52PM RANCHO PARK Mulder and Scully 'rounded the corner of the recreation building, and slowly approached the well-lit playground. Scully gasped harshly, "Is that her? Oh, God, Mulder, I don't know if I can do this..." She's really here alive playing on a slide in a park, looking as happy and healthy as any normal child. She turned her back toward the sight before her. It was almost like seeing a ghost, images of this child had plagued her dreams for more than a year now. But, she knew she had to go to her, she was hers to love and to most of all *protect*. Mulder had wrapped his arm snuggly around her...and waited, letting her clear her head for a moment. "I'm okay..." "You sure?" She nodded solemnly. "Let's go get my daughter." Mulder slid his hand down her arm, grasping her fingers and giving the a light squeeze. Hand in hand, they walked toward the seemingly blissful scene of childlike innocence. "Mr. Mulder." The man stood to meet them, "Miss Scully." "Can... can I? Um..." "Yes of course..." the Englishman gestured toward the playground. "I'll be right here..." At that Scully stopped cold. "You..you're not coming?" Mulder simply shook is head and let go over her hand. "Go," he whispered. "Mulder?" "It's okay." Taking a deep breath, she made her way over to the child, whom had now decided the swings were ready for her assault. Scully made her way through the sandbox, the warm wind blowing through her hair. She noticed as the distance grew shorter, the girl slowed her swinging. By the time she had reached her she'd come to a complete stop. Up close she could see that the child looked somewhat different than the Emily she had known. Her hair was slightly darker, but still blonde, and it was a little longer, she had it tied back in a little ponytail. And, of course she was a little taller, she was a year older than the child she'd known. Looking up into Scully's face, the little girl eyes grew wide. She looked almost frightened, but it wasn't that... she looked almost like... she was in pain. Scully said the only thing that she could think of, "It's okay, I won't hurt you..." A heart was pounding fiercely..."It's okay..." The girl climbed off of the swing and took the tiniest of steps toward her. "Mommy?" she whispered. "Oh God!" She fell to her knees and threw her arms around the girl. "Yes, baby...it's me, it's Mommy." "I knew you'd come." "Oh, Emily." "Alexandra." Scully pulled back so she could hear what she said more clearly. "What?" she emplored. "My name is Alexandra." "Oh, it is. Is it? Well, I guess there're a lot of things we have to learn about each other aren't there?" The little girl nodded happily. "I've never seen her that happy." The old gentleman commented with slight emotion in his voice. "Well, she's home now." "Yes... yes, indeed." They watched a few minutes longer. Scully was now pushing her daughter on her swing. "Higher..." the girl giggled. "I'm taking them out of the city." "You've decided to disappear?" "Only for a few months, six at the most... They'll need time... It will be hard, but I want them to become a family... I want *us* to become a family." Mulder took a deep breath, and continued, conviction heavy in his throat. "We will be a family... Then we'll come back here to Los Angeles. I want to marry Scully, if she'll have me. I want to start over, I want to make her happy. I think she likes it here. It's away, but not...and... well, it's a change." "I take it you want the LA field office, then." "I haven't decided, Scully can stay with the FBI if that's what she wants, but I haven't... I'll have to think about it. "Very well, Mr. Mulder. Here is a number in which I can be reached at anytime, night or day." Mulder took the card a placed in his pocket. "I'll leave you to your new family." His mysterious ally began to walk away. "Wait!" "Yes?" "You promise they'll be safe? Even if I continue my search for Samantha?" "I always keep my word, Mr. Mulder. I expect you to do the same." And in an instant he was gone. Back into the shadows in which he came. Mulder looked up into the dark night, and thank whatever God was out there, for the little slice of heaven he had been so graciously given. "Mulder! Get over here!" Scully said happiness pouring out of every syllable she uttered. "Yes, Ma'am," he said in his best country western twang. And they were one. THE END EPILOGUE: SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA Almost 2 years later... "Daddy, can we go back to the Grand Canyon, again?" the bouncing six year old pleaded in pure excitement of her newly formed plan. Then she stopped to look into her father's face...she'd learned the wounded puppy look from the master. "How about as soon as school gets out?" "Whoopee!!." "Mulder..." "How could I resist that face?" The little girl smiled in triumph and ran off happily towards her newly decorated little girl's paradise of a bedroom. "You're gonna spoil her rotten, ya know?" "That's my job isn't it?" "I thought that was her grandmother's job." "Well, there's always room for two..." He said grabbing her hand and pulling her into his lap. "Three, you forgot Samantha." "Yeah, but she lives all the way in Oregon." "I guess there's no hope for you, Fox Mulder." "Oh yeah *Mrs.* Fox Mulder? We'll just see about that." And the tickle war began. "Oh, no... stop Mulder!! FOOOOX!! STOP IT!" "What's all that noise?!" Came a little demand from the top of the staircase. "MUUULLLDERRR!!" "Just teachin' your mother a lesson." The little girl ran down the stairs to join the battle... And they laughed the night away... and every night there after. END OF EPILOUGE THAT'S IT I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKED IT!!! LET ME KNOW PLEEEEEASE!! I'M BEGGING HERE!! SADanaMldr@aol.com