Author: Kathy Category: MSR Disclaimer: Dana nor Mulder or Scully blong to 1013 productions. Rating: G Proposal by Kathy He's staring at me... He does that quite often, especially since we've become a "we". Not that I mind, I love it when he looks at me with those beautiful hazel green eyes. Some days I almost feel as if those eyes want nothing more to do than to worship me. Sounds a little conceited, I know, but that's the way he makes me feel. Soda cans and coffee cups, case files and evidence... In this seedy motel room, familiar to nights like these to government workers like us, I feel his eyes caress me, and what I see there is love, a special precious kind of love, mingled with a nervousness that I had not seen there since the night our love was first awakened. He slinks his body closer to mine, confusing very important data into a jumbled mess atop the copiously stained carpet. His stare has become more intent, purposeful. I feel my heart beat triple with anxiety. Is he going to kiss me? No, I've seen that look and this is definitely ... "Scully?" Before I've had a chance to blink he is standing before me, grasping my fingers between his firmly. I feel a shiver pass through his fingers and that shiver, strangely enough seems to continue its course through me. In a moment he is leading me out of the front door and not long after that we find our selves driving along a small, seemingly deserted road ... silently. And then I see it... I gasp in wonder. "This place, Mulder..." "Shh..." he places a tender finger upon my now trembling lips. "C'mon..." Out of the car, we walk hand in hand together.. our love all too present and all too powerful. No words could describe the beauty of this place. The lake shimmering like nothing I have ever seen before, the trees touching the sky so magnificently I can hardly breathe as I marvel in its perfection. Over a bridge, we find, settled directly center of the lake and its beauteous waters, Mulder desists our journey. We are now staring out at the lake, our hands still twined, our bond the strongest it's ever been. And there it is again, that look, which is now accompanied by a tender hand, caressing the softness of my cheek. "I wanted this to be perfect for you." His voice was low and determined I parted my lips to speak... "No, Scully...let me... I need to do this right..." He cleared his throat nervously. I watch him, with what I know are very wide, very expectant eyes. What is he going to say? I think I know... I hope I know. "Scully, you have to know that..." he stops and takes deep breath, "You know that I love you..." I nod, understanding he needs to do this without interruption... "And that you mean more to me than anything in the world... I..." He looks like he is going to cry... does he really love me that much? "Scully I..." He nervously reaches into his pocket removing a light blue box, a light blue RING box! Oh God, I had a feeling this was coming, but I wasn't prepared for the loud thumping in my chest to increase so profoundly. With shaky fingers, my love slowly opens the velvet vessel revealing an exquisitely cut marquis diamond atop of what looks like a double band of white gold. I feel the mist in my eyes, turn to consistent tear drops trickling down my face... and then I hear it... And time stands still... "Be my wife?" It's like I'm floating on a cloud. I fall forward into his arms, clinging to him. desperate to pull myself inside of him. I feel a soft kiss placed into my hair... "Scully?" "Be my life?" I mumble into his chest. "What?" I hear the confusion in his voice. He thinks I said be my wife... I chuckle ... and look up into his face. "I said.. 'Be my life'... " "You're already mine, Scully... You always have been." "Good." "So?" "Mulder.. You really need me to say it don't you?" I ask slightly amused. He nods his head, with a pout. "I will be your wife, Mulder." He smiles, with a relaxed contentment that I have not quite seen before. And we kiss... a kiss that I'd be content to continue for the remainder of my existence if possible. To bad it's not. He pulls away for a moment and breathes, "Perfect..." "What's perfect?" "You. With you, nothing could be anything less than perfect." I think I'm going to like being married to this man of mine. I think I'm going to like it very much. THE END