I don't know what you would call this piece, I wrote it a while ago, but was too afraid to post it. I hope you enjoy... I warn you it's a little depressing... Night Light by Kathy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A man lays in the darkness of a muggy bedroom. He makes a decision do accomplish two things before the night is through... The first begins with a small journal and a leaky fountain pen... ~~~~~~~ In the dead of night I hear a thundering in my mind. I wonder what it is that I am supposed to do to stop this horrible music. The pain I receive from this terrible crashing sound is just as palpable. It's almost as if I don't know who I am any more I feel lost in a mass of feeling Drowning in a world of loneliness... The reason for such heartache comes from just that. A loss of strength, a loss of purpose, the loss of will.. The will to live... I've lost the one thing that has kept me from insanity, the one presence that would lift me up out a darkness that I so often would dwell... But, that darkness is my home now... I will live in it, as long as I live without her... Because with out you, Dana Scully I am nothing...nothing ~~~~~~~~ That night the light took Fox Mulder home to live in love and truth with his beloved.