COMING HOME cont... Part 2/2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10:01AM The day was bright and beautiful. Fox Mulder never dreamed he would ever feel this good waking up to a new day. But he never expected to be waking up next to Dana Scully. And to add to the insurmountable bliss that this simple fact lent his heart, last night his perfect moment arrived. No not sex, not unbridled lust, nor clapping bodies beneath the crisp white bed sheets... just a sweet and simple kiss that filled his body so deeply with love and gratitude for the woman beside him. Not that he was opposed to the idea of sex, especially sex with Scully. It was just that that moment.... 2:49AM Earlier that morning "Whoa!" Scully whispered harshly into the darkness of her bedroom. "Woo..." Bringing herself to a sitting position, she brushed the beads of sweat from beneath her nose and atop her forehead. Shifting her eyes to the right of her she remembered the sleeping form who was snuggled into the sheets beside her. She scooted a smidge closer, forgetting all about the little nightmare that had plagued her thoughts a few seconds before. She wanted to look at him... to see his beautiful face as he slept. At that moment, she heard the tiniest of whimpers break the hush of the room. Scully leaned over just a bit, so she could see him better. The light coming from her window made it easier for her to see his face. And to her horror, she found that it was tracked with soft pink streaks and warm salty tears. She placed a soft hand on top of his shoulder. It hurt her heart to see him like this. She knew he had terrible nightmares about his sister being taken, she knew that he lived a pained existence. She'd felt a lot of that pain and tragedy in her own life. Tonight she had dreamt that Mulder turned out to be Eddie Van Blundht again... that had been terrible, but it was tame compared to the painful memories laced throughout some of her more horrific mind travels. She caressed his shoulder softly, still unsure of how close they could really be at that moment. They had expressed their love for one another. They had been in each others arms for hours on her couch earlier that evening, but there was still an uncertainty in her mind. For godssakes they hadn't even kissed! "Noooo..." A tiny plea came from his throat, so sad a pitful. She reached out to wipe away his tears. "Nooo..." the same soft cry. "Please, Scully... please... I want to stay with you... I wanna go home... Scully...." A tear fell on to Mulder's neck, but it wasn't his tear. This was too horrifying to watch. "I'm here, Mulder..." She gently nudged his shoulder, silently asking him to lay on his back. She wanted to wake him as gently as possible. He complied, still emersed in his heartbreaking nightmare. She placed her hand over his heart and began rubbing it in soothing circles. "Shhh... shhhh... it's okay... I'm here... you can wake up... I'm here, Mulder... I'm here and I love you... Come one wake up for me... come on...." His eyes began to flutter. "That's it, Mulder, wake up, I'm right here..." "Scully?" His eyes grew wide. Then in an instant she felt her self being abruptly pulled to his chest, wrapped in his arms. "Oh, Scully... I thought..'re here... don't leave me, please don't leave me..." After a few more moments a reassured warmth and love. He kissed the top of her head, then slowly lifted her head off his chest, so he could see her face. Now the tears flowed swiftly down her cheeks. "Oh, no Scully, please don't... please don't cry..." "I can't help it.. I just... I can't help it." "I know... I know..." He wiped her face with his thumbs, staring into her flushed face. "I love you, Mulder." "Mmm... the luckiest man on this planet." he mumbled, as he brought her face closer to his. He felt his heart clench with anticipated perfection, she felt her throat tighten with expectant love. And then ever so gently their lips met. Sweetly, softly gently, his mouth moved over hers. Cherishing the taste of her, reveling in the softness of her lips. Tears stung his eyes once more, as he felt her hand gently caress the side of his stubbled face. It was then, in their foggy haze, that they realized the meaning of that special moment, the union of souls was now complete. One soul, one heart, one perfect love. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10:09AM Mulder turned over on his side, perching himself on his elbow. He looked down at his former partner, brushing a lock of hair from her face. Hoping to stir her, but at the same time wanting to watch her sleep. "I'm awake, you know?" Mulder's hand flew from her face, he was suddenly embarrassed. Maybe she thought he was being too attentive, too touchy, after all they hadn't even slept together, in the figurative meaning anyway. Scully sensed his tension and opened her eyes. "You sleep okay?" "Uh, yeah I'm sorry about..." "Mulder, you don't need to be sorry. I had a nightmare too, that's why I was awake. You didn't wake me up." "You had a nightmare, too?" His faced was filled with anxious concern, he cared so much about her feelings. He never wanted her to be hurting, and he'd do anything in his power to stop it. But, when he heard about something like this it made him all the more sad inside. He leaned closer and brushed his hand over the side of her face. "Was it a bad one?" "No, Mulder, it wasn't. Actually, now that I think about it, it was kinda silly," she chuckled. "What was it about?" "It was... I thought you... we'll we kinda were on the couch, like last night, and well to make a long story short. Eddie Van Blundht, played a starring role." "You mean it was no different being with the real me, than with an Eddie in Mulder's clothing?" He tried sounding sarcastic, but that whole incident just made his skin crawl. The thought of that creepy little bastard touching her... "No, Mulder... it was a nightmare... I was scared you would leave me. That you really weren't here I guess." "That's what my nightmare was about too. I felt like a little kid, it hurt so much, being taken away. It's how I feel inside everyday." She just stared at him sadly, knowing that there was not much they could do to change their present situation. Mulder decided to clear his throat and broach a new topic of the day, "Breakfast?" he inquired with a soft smile. "Sounds good to me." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Delicious!" "Glad you like it." "You no you'd make a great little wife one day," Mulder joked in his best imitation of Ricky Ricardo. Scully in response balls up a paper napkin and throws it into his face. "You better watch it, Miss Thang." Scully laughed at that. "What am I going to do with you, Mulder?" she questioned with a huge grin on her face. Standing up to clear the dishes, she wondered to herself what it would be like to be married to Mulder. Wonderful, that's what, perfect. She came back toward the table, ready to pick up the coffee cups, when... all of a sudden she lost her footing. "Hey!" Mulder had pulled her swiftly by the waist, and set her on his lap. "Mulder!" "I've been wanting to do that all morning," he mumbled into her hair. "You smell so good, Scully." "Mulder, I haven't even showered yet!" She tried to release herself from his grasp halfheartedly. He tightened his arms around her, and relented with a sigh. "Doesn't matter, Scully. You always smell good." He nuzzled the back of her neck with his nose. After a few moments of silence he spoke again. "I'm sorry if you think I'm acting strange, Scully. It's just that I don't want to leave you. I don't think I can do it. I just don't think I can." She could hear the tears in his voice, and feel a tremble in her own heart for what the future would lay. Bringing her hand to his neck, she gently soothed him, rubbing her fingers in tiny little circles. "Oh, Mulder, it's gonna be okay. We're going to work everything out. I need you too, I love you." Scully felt her own tears build, but she decided that she would be strong for him. She wanted them to have a nice weekend together, enjoying their time with each other. She patted her hand on his neck, signaling him to look up at her. His eyes were red from the sting of his tears. He looked so lost, so pitiful. She brushed her lips against his softly. "Mmmm..." he kissed her feverently, tracing the inside of her mouth with his tongue. Scully moaned, and tried to get even closer to him. She wanted to lose herself in this kiss, this moment, in Mulder. After a few long moments of long slow kisses and nipping and necking at each other's skin, they parted and stared into the other's eyes. "I love you so much, Scully... so... so much..." he dropping his forehead back on to her shoulder. "Mulder?" "Hmm?" "I.. um..." He stopped and looked her with his patent wrinkled brow, "What is it, Scully?" "Well I you know this whole situation, I don't mean the distance thing, I mean the..." "The intimacy thing." She nodded. "Do you want to wait?" "I don't know. I mean I want to be with you. Very much, I want that all the time. I... well, what do you think?" He smiled at her, she was just as unsure of all of this as he was. He knew without a doubt that he was deeply in love with Scully, he just didn't know how fast he wanted it to go. It wasn't like they hadn't known each other for nearly a decade, but he just didn't want anything to ruin what they had. And they still had a lot to discover about just what that was. He leaned his forehead against hers gently, "I think that I love you, Scully. And I think that we should wait. Wait until we work this whole thing out. Wait until we can be together... really together. None of this distance stuff to hold us back. I want to be with you forever. I know we will, I have to Scully, I need you so bad. But, if we did this now, how would I ever go back to work. I couldn't and I have to. I have to for now." He sounded so sad. She reassured him with a smile, "For now." Returning her smile, he sighed, "Just for now." ~~~~~~~~~~~~ In Washington DC there are lots of things to occupy one's time. But, for Fox Mulder and Dana Scully keeping occupied was the least of their problems. Just being together was enough, it was all they had. So they spent the afternoon in the park near Scully's house. They had ice cream and talked the day away, the warm sun shining on their faces, lending the a sort of peacefulness that they truly needed. Thankfully, Scully had thought to bring a blanket for them to lay out on. They talked about old times, and even older times. And of course had their ever famous arguments between logic and theory. It was wonderful. But, now the sun was beginning to fade and it was time to go back inside. Mulder looked over at Scully, her eyes were closed, he noticed her skin looked slightly colored. "Scully?" "Hmmm?" "Scully, sit up." "Why?" she opened her eyes and squinted at him with question. "I think you might be sunburned." "Huh? Oh, Mulder, it's okay. I always get burned. Curse of the red head and all that." "No, it's not okay, we shouldn't have stayed out here for this long." "I swear Mulder I don't feel anything." "That's because you haven't moved for over an hour." She sat up and looked him in the eye. He was really worried about this. She shrugged her shoulders. "Okay, Mulder, I think it's time to go inside anyway." "I knew you'd see it my way," he smugly teased. "Don't I always, Mulder," she deadpanned. And back home, they went. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scully's Apartment 7:02PM "No, Scully I want you to relax." "I told you Mulder I feel perfectly fine." "I know you do," he said gently, trailing his forefinger down her cheek. "Just do this for me, okay. Take a nice long bath, kick your feet up and let me handle dinner. Okay?" "Kay," she relented, slipping her eyes shut. Mulder cupped both of her cheeks, placing a delicate kiss on her forehead. Releasing her, he spoke softly, "I'll be back in a few minutes, okay? Relax." She nodded and he retreated, closing the door of her bathroom with a soft click. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 42 minutes later Mulder entered the apartment armed with an extra large box of pizza a tiny bouquet of flowers a bottle of wine and dessert. Hearing him rattling the key chain, Scully quickly finished slipping her favorite comfy sweatshirt over head. She stopped to look in the mirror. Wet hair, pulled back into a ball, old clothes, no make up... ugh! I look awful... She shrugged and made her way into the next room Entering the room, she gasped finding herself assaulted by a sudden darkness. She would've been frightened, but she knew it was him. She knew the way he smelled. Just as she was about to call out to him, she heard a striking noise followed by the glow of a tiny flame by match. There he was, partially illuminated by this light. Silently she watched his hand move from candle to candle lighting up her living room. Every few candles presented with a new match. Scully settle her self on the couch and picked up the bottle of wine that he'd already managed to open in such a short amount of time. "Pizza is your idea of handling dinner, Mulder?" Scully teased. Settling next her, he looked at his hands. "I... uh... I thought it'd be faster. I guess..." "I was only kidding, Mulder," Scully laughed. "Where's it from?" "That little Italian restaurant, Luigi's, they don't deliver so... oh I got your favorite dessert." "Tiramisu?" "Yup." "Mmmm, can't wait." "Is this okay?" "Of course it is, Mulder. It's perfect, Mulder. You're perfect. Thank you for this." She leaned in and kissed him sweetly, softly. " you," he whispered. Scully just sighed, closing her eyes, absorbing the love she felt radiating off of his body, embedding itself into her own. "Let's dig in." With a little cuddling, and a lot of necking the night proved to be just as tender and loving as the previous, if not more so. Tomorrow was sure to be a guaranteed hell... It was time for Mulder to go back. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The morning atmosphere at the Scully residence was a little dreary. They both knew what that their time together would soon becoming to a temporary close. Right now, Mulder was in the shower and Scully sat on the couch head lulled backward, eyes closed, heart filled with worry. She quirked a smile a bit at her musings. But her bemusement was short-lived and the thoughts of anxiety wandered back in. She let out a frustrated sigh, Just then she heard a knock at her door. Reaching the peephole she felt her emotions go from disappointment, to irritation, to a subtle anger in a matter of seconds. Opening the door reluctantly, she looked her newly appointed partner straight in the eye. He had a big toothy grin plastered on his ridiculous face. "What do you want?" "To make amends," he said with a hint of sincerity in his tone. Scully decided she didn't feel like playing the ice queen at the moment, so she sighed and spoke evenly, "There's no need." He stepped past her inviting himself in. She turned to face him, leaving the door open. "No, I want to make it up to you. I've been a chauvinistic jerk, it's just that I feel a little intimidated by you." "By me? Why?" "Well yeah, you're reputation around the bureau is fierce. Then suddenly you're my partner, I felt like I had to prove myself to you and everyone that I wore the pants in the relationship... so to speak." "And so now you're cured of this affliction?" "Completely. Let me take you to an early lunch?" "I'm sorry I can't." "Why not?" "I just can't. Look, let's just keep this on a professional level." "Jesus, Dana, I thought that ice was beginning to melt. But as I can see I was wrong!" "Look! I didn't invite you over here. And I don't appreciate you waltzing into my home and insulting my character!" "The guys were right, you are a cold hearted bitch." "You son of a bitch!!" came a cry from the back of the room. There stood Mulder still wet from his shower, in nothing but a pair of sweat pants, face red, eyes furious. "Don't you ever! ever! talk to her like that again!" He stormed toward the wide-eyed agent. He was scarred, but wasn't about to show it. "Who the hell is this, Dana? Is this Spooky? Is this the kook, who sullied your reputation and made you the laughing stock of the FBI?" "What the hell are you doing here? What the hell is he doing here Scully?" Neither answered him, he was angry, he was furious, and Scully didn't want him to do anything stupid. Fogerly just chose to ignore him, and to foolishly continue his taunts. "Well at least that icy exterior you brought with you stayed in tact. Bitch," the last word was spoken under his breath but it was heard palpably throughout the otherwise silent room. "That's it!" Mulder punched him square in the jaw. He stumbled to the ground and Mulder followed him. He continued to hit him. "Mulder! Mulder! Stop, it's okay... I don't care what he said. Please! Just stop, please! Mulder!" He did. He stopped, for her he stopped. He got back on to his feet, as did Fogerly. "Get out," Scully said firmly. "Fine. You'll regret this Spooky." He lunged for him again, only to be stopped by Scully's calming hand on his chest. "Now, Fogerly!" He turned in a huff, and stormed out of her apartment, slamming the door behind him. "Are you all right, Scully?" "Me? You're the one who was just brawling on my living room floor." "I'm fine, but you... he shouldn't have said those things. When I think about it... I just can't stand it!" he growled. "Forget it." "How the hell are you supposed to go back to work with him tomorrow?" "I can handle it. I'll be fine." "You sure?" "I'm positive." "Call me if anything comes up." Scully chuckled and put her arms around his middle. Nuzzling her face into his warm chest. "I will," she whispered, knowing that he need to hear her say it. Even though she knew she could handle herself, she wasn't so sure that Mulder could do the same. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7:42PM Scully sat staring out of the window of the plane terminal. He was gone. Half way to Texas by now, and there she sat, staring, wishing him back. Their goodbye had been bittersweet. He hugged her close, and kissed her passionately. Then unable to let her go he began planting tiny little kisses about her face, punctuating each kiss with a firm declaration of love. Then he gripped her tightly and whispered in her ear, "Don't forget me." The pain is his voice was so strong, and so afraid. "Oh, Mulder... never." She kissed him once more, then gazing reassuringly into his eyes, "Never." He smiled. As the final call was emitted he finally let go, vowing that he would be back. And it would be for good, forever. Scully decided finally that it was time to go home. Only the memories of their time together to keep her warm at night. Her memories and the assurance that they would be together again, soon and someday forever. The End I don't even know if this made any sense. What do you think guys? I hope you liked even if I didn't. FEEDBACK A MUST... ~~~~~~~~~~~~