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*~Never-Say-Never to Cover Girl~*

Everybody knows Brandy is one of the beautiful models for Covergirl make-up!!! Below is [not my site] a great Covergirl site!

Covergirl 2000


  • The official site has been updated! Go there to see new pictures of Brandy as well as many make-up tips!
  • The new covergirl commercial isn't that different from the old one Brandy did, it just has Brandy in different poses! Lets look forward for a new photo shoot!

    Brandy has been chosen to be a Covergirl model! Well, that was back in summer of 99. It all started with the noticement of how popular Brandy was, what a great role model she was, they just wanted Brandy! Covergirl ads would appear on magazines such as Teen People, Seventeen, YM, etc. and than the 99 photo shoot came up and than bigger and better things happened for Brandy...the jingle Brandy sung, that catchy tune. Signing autographs for being apart of Covergirl started and everyone knew the theme song! Yet again, Brandy graces the cover of tv commercials, magazine ads once again. Now for the year 2000, Brandy is still a part of Covergirl, but no dates have been released when their will be a new photo shoot, or a new time slot for when new commercials will be filmed! When there is, you’ll be sure to know, HERE!


    (thank you for lending these videos


    Below are pictures of Brandy, from Covergirl!