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Crash of the Titans- Many people who have been playing crash for years where disappointed with the graphics for crash of the titans. But really disappoints me is that they drew Aku-Aku to look fat, they drew Uka-Uka so he didn't look evil anymore, Cortex looks like he is losing his hair, and tiny didn't look scary. In other words, they took the seriousness out of crash bandicoot. Don't get the wrong idea: I love the game.......I just noticed that feature. Crash Twinsanity- I'll tell you about the good and the bad of this game Good: I love the game graphics and bosses. You can tell travelers tales put a lot of hard work into this game. Also fun challenging enemy's. Bad: Crash Twinsanity is definitely too hard! I mean we have people dying on cavern catastrophe and it is only the third level on the first world! Also It's over-rated. Overall the game is good......even if it does have a couple flaws. Crash Warped- I know I know why do write about warped and not the more recent games? Well, to be honest with you..... it is my favorite crash game. And what I really really don't like is that it isn't for playstation 2 or 3. (Some quick advise: if you have a PS2 or PS3 don't buy the console! Get a memory card from the internet.)I love the game: Nice design, creativity ,a not-to-hard not-to-easy difficulty, all mixed in with a bunch of fun!