Green Sanctuary Committee Meeting October 3rd, 2006 [The September meeting was cancelled due to everyone being out of town!] Attendance: Tom Swigart, Sandra Smith-Gill, Marney Bruce, Dave Hutchins, Chris Hodge, John Shining Bear Ditman, Juya Ditman Sandi read the opening blessing. Minister -------- We will try to invite Walter to a future meeting. Action Plan ----------- An updated list of leaders was created. Tom will update the Action Plan. Tom and Sandi will talk to potential leaders whom we need to get on board. The next Program Council meeting is October 26th. We will present the final plan to the council for approval. Marney will see about getting an electronic copy of the energy audit or see about getting the hard-copy scanned in. GWIPL ----- We showed the film "An Inconvenient Truth" on October 1st. The room was packed with congregants and visitors from outside the church. Thanks to Marney for planning all this and Sandi for getting a DVD projector. Tom handled the A/V work. Wildflower Garden ----------------- We have the Youth Group interested in adopting a plot. Bill Butler will see if Chalice Groups would like to adopt too. We plan to expand the existing plots this year instead of creating new ones. Marney did weeding, including getting the tomato plants out. Sandi will be at October 14th work party day, working on plots. Adopt-a-road trash pick-up -------------------------- The September 23rd pick-up went well. We had 8 people and finished within an hour. The last yearly pick-up will be November 18th. John Ditman complained about the mowing before the pick-up. But, more people are in favor of having the mowing to avoid the tall grass. John will pick up trash the week before the official pick-up to avoid the mowing. Table-Top --------- Marney and Chris will do a TT on global warming and the Cool Cities campaign. Marney reported that the Weather Channel is doing a series about global warming. Tom will do a table-top on the GS certification process soon (he hopes). Watershed Projects ------------------ October 7th will be a stream restoration project (not a trash pick-up as Tom said) at Glade Creek. This involves planting trees and shrubs. It is sponsored by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation. Eric Kindahl and Hood College students involved as well. Earth Day quiz -------------- Marney found an environmental quiz, the Peter Polluter quiz. We decided we will give this out on Earth Day 2007. Folks will have to come to the GS table to get the answers. Auction ------- The Auction is August 28th. We will make one basket this year. Bird Boxes ---------- October 29th will be bird box cleaning day. Marney will be teaching the youth group about this. Compost ------- Should we see about getting a power leaf shredder? Consensus - not worth the noise and pollution. Can we get a manual shredder? Next mtg scheduled for November 7th. That is Election Day, so we may change the date.