Green Sanctuary Committee Meeting May 1, 2007 Attendance: Tom Swigart, Sandra Smith-Gill, Marney Bruce, Chris Hodge GS Certification ---------------- Marney and Sandi came up with a history of the UUCF Green Sanctuary Committee to give to the BOT for our quest to apply for certification. After discussion, some minor changes were suggested by Chris. Sandi will make the changes and give the history along with the formal resolution and the Action Plan to the BOT. Tom will attend the next BOT meeting on May 10th. [Late word - the resolution passed] Sandi also put together our Unison highlights as the start of an information sheet to give to the congregation before the vote at the June 3rd meeting. We decided to be available on May 20th in the Narthex to discuss the GS certification process with anyone who wishes to talk about it. We will include any Q and A in the congregational info sheet. Wildflower Meadow ----------------- Marney and Tom worked on one plot and have it in good shape. They put down biodegradable film and four bags of pine mulch. A bit more mulch is necessary. One other plot is mostly weeded. The youth plot hasn't been touched. Marney will talk to them about it. Marney and Sandi are in favor of using an environmentally friendly herbicide made from vinegar and lemon juice. They will try it out. Movies ------ We discussed whether we want to show more environmental movies for the congregation (and visitors). Both after services and night time movies will be tried to try to satisfy demand. We are thinking that the Fall will be the best time to start up again. Some suggested movies - "Out of Balance", "Rising Waters", "Who Killed the Electric Car?" Dinner Meetings --------------- After the successful dinner with ministerial candidate Abigail Stockman, Chris suggested we have our meeting at a restaurant ocassionally. The first such meeting will be August 7th at The Orchard restaurant. Yum! We discussed whether we will have a meeting July 3rd. We may skip it, especially if tyhe congregation votes to approve application for certification. Hopefully we can put together the aplication package and send it off by the 4th of July! Yearly Report ------------- The yearly report to the BOT will be due soon. Tom will work on the first draft, then pass it around for comments. Split Plate ----------- The plit plate for April went to the UUMFE. We gave them $200 or $300. Tom will get the exact figure for the yearly report. Trash ----- The next Elmer Derr Road trask pick-up is tenatively scheduled for June 16th. We need to see if Dave Hutchins is available that day. Tom will check. [Late word - yes] --------------------------------------------- The next meeting is June 5th at 7:00 p.m.