Green Sanctuary Committee Meeting August 1st, 2006 Attendance: Tom Swigart, Sandra Smith-Gill, Marney Bruce, Dave Hutchins Marney read the opening blessing. Action Plan ----------- We talked about getting together with potential action item leaders to get them on board and to get their input. Tom will see about this. GWIPL ----- GWIPL stands for Greater Washington Interfaith Power and Light. They are offering a free advanced copy of the DVD "An Inconvient Truth" for showing at the beginning of October. We have to join GWIPL, but there is no cost. Will get Board approval. We need to handle getting a room, a projector/screen, publicity, and refreshments. Marney has the lead on this. Wildflower Garden ----------------- We hope to add borders to the existing plots. May do new plot preperation this Fall. We will try to get congregants to adopt a plot. Fair Trade Sales ---------------- The recent Fair Trade sale produced $796 of sales. $1061 for the month. Adopt-a-road trash pick-up -------------------------- Next pick-up September 23rd. We need to get the county to mow first. Tom will make sure. Table-top --------- Tom will do a table-top on the GS certification process soon. Bird Boxes ---------- Marney provided a fact sheet about monitoring the bird boxes. We will try to get people interested in monitoring and cleaning boxes. Sandi will put blurb in The Unison. Watershed Projects ------------------ Eric Kindahl is the lead on watershed clean-ups and restorations. We hope to adopt a stream next year. Kay Schultz is another POC for this. We hope to have a future table-top presentation about the Monocacy watershed. Composting ---------- Marney had a handout on composting. We need more brown stuff (leaves) for the pile. Non-meeting Item ---------------- At the August 10th meeting, the Board OK-ed our joining the Cool Cities campaign, a grass roots plan for cities to join the fight to stop global warming. Chris is the POC for this. Next mtg scheduled for September 5th.