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Tanglewood Treasures

Custom Painted




   For examples of my work



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Custom Painted Box pricing is calculated based on the following:


   1. The price of the box you choose to be painted


Box ID Price Description Size
201 1.50  2.5" x 2.5" with glass insert in lid and shadow box   * Tiny
202 1.50  Triangle box with magnetic closure                             Tiny
203 3.99  Med-small box with hinges and clasp 5.5" long          Small
401 4.99  "Recipe Box" wooden hinge, no clasp                        Medium
301 4.99  Salt Box 3" wide x 4" tall                                           Medium
302 4.99  Medium hinged chest with clasp, 8" long                    Medium
303 4.99  Medium hinged chest no clasp, 9" long                       Medium
304 4.99  Large sliding lid box 12" long                                     Medium
402 5.99  Box with non hinged lid 7" long                                  Medium
401 6.99  3 drawer chest 7.5 inches tall                                     Medium
501 15.99  7 drawer chest, 10.5 inches tall                                        Large

            * available with painted picture, photograph, graphic, or shells, figures, etc... on back of frame in shadowbox


 2. The size of the finished piece


Size of Piece Cost Added
Tiny 3.50
Small 5.50
Medium 10.00
Large 15.00


 3. The detail of the finished piece


Detail Cost Added
Box more than one color 1.50 each additional color
Background behind graphic 3.75 & up depending on complexity of background
Multiple images 6.00 each additional image



You choose box # 203.  This box costs 3.99 and is classified a small box (5.50).

You wish to have a background of dream castle behind your pony (3.75) and the box to be pink and purple (1.50).


Your total is 14.74 plus shipping and handling



To order:


E-mail me with a description of the box you would like, including colors, backgrounds, the very precise description of what you would like painted and where you want it positioned on the box. 


Please note:  I ONLY do art in ANIME style, don't email me requesting a realistic painting!


*  For anime characters, send a .gif or .jpg file of the picture you would like transferred to the box in your first email.  If you want an original design, please send a graphic of the character you want and a description of the pose.  Please note, I may refuse depending on the difficulty of your request.


*  For Gods/Goddesses send a detailed description of your view of them (hair color, costume etc...) or a graphic you feel represents the look you want for them. 


*  For my little ponies, please include a description of the pony you want (hair, body, and eye color, symbol, hair details, earth, Pegasus, unicorn,) and a description of the pose you want.


I will then tally up the cost of the finished product using the system outlined above and send you an itemized bill.  You may pay via Paypal or money order.  After receiving payment, I will begin work on your piece.  I will sketch the design based on your specifications and email a copy to you.   If you do not like the design, I can alter it or you may have a full refund.  If, however, it meets with your approval I will transfer it to the box you have chosen and finish the item. It will be shipped promptly upon completion.