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To the entire weather team: Thank you so much for the time expended forcasting the potentially deadly hurricane Ernesto... I greatly appreciate all your efforts. I was a little worried this morning, but having you guys there constantly keeping us informed about Ernesto and other storms is always a confort. Also, when unpredictability occurs, like with Ernesto, it just further shows me/all of us how much you care. As that old saying goes "better safe than sorry." Yours truly, Rose ey Yall, I just got me this idea. All dem people who is missing, see. Well maybe they aint missing. I think the Gators ate em, or maybe some of them. That aint good. It sucks man, and I live close to them. I'm outta here. I'm movin to California. The following is in response to Jim Defede's comments about the media's fascination with the 'Jon Benet Ramsey murder.' I'd like to add a few names: Elizabeth Smart, Jessica Lynch, and Lori Hacking. I mentioned Jessica Lynch, because I wonder, had she been a different race, would she have been given so much attention by the media? Would she have even been caught? I wonder. It was because she was this pretty 'all-American' girl, right? I just wonder why the media continues to perpetuate the now false stereotype of the "all" American girl: fair and nordic-looking; frequently overlooking other races who are just as qualified to be candidates for internationally high profile news stories, like the above-mentioned, which would in turn, show the true racially and ethnically diverse United States. I am sure the media knows that 'all-American' is not what it used to be, because the media is bombarded with mix raced anchors and reporters who are just as American as the so-called 'all-Americans" out there. So why allow other countries to see Americans in only one shade of color? Is it because those who watch the news are predominantly white, and majority rules? Just kidding! I do approve of the medias high-profile "Jon Benet Ramsey" murder due to the creepy little girl pagent Patsy Ramsey lovingly helped her daughter compete in. I find those videos highly disturbing, to say the least. But, hey, I just don't approve of little girls dressing up like grown women. I do wish they would have waited for Car's DNA to be tested before making such a big deal about him. Yes, he looks like Oswald. There's no other evidence, except for the fact that he is a sick pedophile. It's so pathetic, it's comical. Also, the very weathly usually are given more attention by the media which is unfair, but I don't mind; especially when you focused on Enron's CEO, and those other Greedy, corrupt power-hungry egomaniacs! Thanks for reading. Rose This is regarding my last e-mail regarding Alligators. I just have one last comment, and I will not send any more messages. You know, I want to help because I care about my country, and I fear things will get worse if we don't make individual efforts to try to improve conditions regardless of how seemingly insignificant some issues are. This is one of many things on my mind, but I chose to write you about it because I know that you can reach large amounts of people faster than I can. Wildlife experts do not make any sense at all. One officer didn't want to relocate Crusty the Alligator because it will hurt the ecosystem. But, killing Gators hurts our ecosystem. We are all affected by it as I expect you may already know. Wildlife experts are 'supposed' to keep animals from becoming extinct....they are always stressing how important it is. If they keep killing Gators because some stupid people refuse to obey the law, they are responsible for further damaging our environment. Rose Hello, Okay, I'm still bothered by the escalating Alligator issue in Florida. Please bear my mini-vent! I just read that an Everglades Alligator (Crusty is the name they call it) will have to be euthanized due to fear of the Alligator becoming more aggressive since people have been unlawfully feeding it. An officer said that 'Crusty' cannot be relocated because the Alligator has already been desensitized to human beings; that it is territorial, and relocation may further damage the ecosystem. Oh give me a break! They pretend to care about these poor, walnut-brained reptiles, humans, and our ecosystem, but never bothered to do what they should have done years ago to keep humans, reptiles and our ecosystem balanced, and safe. They pretend to care so much about Alligators, that when humans err; they quickly euthanize all the potentially dangerous ones as their only solution. 7,000 Alligators were killed, if I recall in 2004 because people were feeding them. But the truth is, Alligators are extremely dangerous whether you feed them or not. It is only common/communal sense, which I am aware not everyone has, that when a Gator is hungry, it will eat a human if it is within reach no matter what wild life experts say. I have learned that they are not so fearful of humans that they will refrain from eating one if they can capture one. Killing the gator is a cheap cop-out, and I am ashamed that these so-called gator/human protectors lie to us by making us believe that there is no other solution than to kill the Gator. If they are so worried about our ecosystem, and what relocation of Alligators may do, then build a high fence around the lakes, and close it off to humans. They can fine/arrest anyone who climbs over the fence. What is so difficult about that? It's time consuming and expensive, that's the reason, right? Well, Gators will be able to remain in our lakes unharmed, and people will be safe to roam around their homes at any time. They would finally be able to exercise that "Freedom of Fear" right granted to every United States citizen. I want to stress one last time, that the current action that is being taken is, in my opinion, in vain as long as Gators are still living in our waters and there is no fence to protect humans from Gators, and Gators from humans. Tomorrow, next month, or next year there will be another injury, and worse, another death because wild life experts and others think that it's safe to live with Gators, as long as you don't feed them. The next victim could be your loved one. How many deaths and injuries is it going to take to build a high fence around the lakes, for example? And I strongly suspect that there are alot more deaths and injuries from Alligators than the statistics reveal. Combine the deaths from Alligators with the total deaths of humans in Florida, and you have one pretty high death statistic in the State of Florida. Thanks again for reading. Rosy Hey guys, Can you please spare the online masses from your poorly designed ape of a website? The stoneage people were more evolved when it came to the mating call!! Not even a 'random dissolve' to arouse a little interest, or an animated dove to give us hope of a brighter 'Spacegroup' tomorrow?? Have you guys even heard of applets? And why tease us with disconnected phone numbers? Hate to break it to ya, but that is no longer in fashion. I'm extremely disappointed...extremely. Do you guys have a plight I can commisserate with, at least? Or is this just another dubious fly by night website that has already gone to the rats? You've gotten lazy on us. One can only hope you will mark your calandar next month to remind yourselves about 'passover', if not anything else, and to remind us that you are still alive and kicking! Ciao, Evan

Please disregard the first e-mail I just sent to you. It was supposed to be a draft. Hopefully this one is more legible!Hello, With regards to the dangerous Alligator issue South Florida has been facing these past months, rather than contact the often ineffectual police who clearly do not have the power/Arbiter to decide the fate of creeping gators, my fervent request is that you please urge citizens who are supposed to be number one priority in every city, to write/e-mail their city officials regarding those very dangerous reptiles. There is a solution, I strongly believe. One is to build a fence around the lakes, which I think would be less expensive than relocating the numerous Alligators which are living in our waters. It irks and deeply saddens me just thinking about how our Governor, and city officials have given citizens permission to live near animal and man-eating Alligator's who have the ability to crawl on land which is so much worse than sharks in waters. Their confounded and lame excuse that the Alligators have been here longer is a crime in itself. Unbelieveable! So, please urge citizens to not give up, and write their city. Please don't forget that we do not have to elect these politicians if they are apathetic about such life-threatening situations, and if they do not immediately do something to end such horrific situations. No citizen should have to lock themselves in their homes because their government unwisely felt it was safe to live with Alligators. Thanks again, Rosy